Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
20 March, 2014

Did you know it only takes about 8 minutes to get to our school from the MTR?

Shopping mall 2 300 x 160
Did you know it only takes about 8 minutes to get to our school from the MTR?
Walking to our school takes 8 minutes from Lam Tin MTR!
Did you know it only takes about 8 minutes to get to our school from the MTR? Walking to our school takes 8 minutes from Lam Tin MTR!

The nearest MTR stop to NAIS is Lam Tin. The easiest way to walk there is to take Exit A and follow the signs to "Laguna City". Then follow the sign to "Kai Tin Shopping Centre". After taking a few escalators going upwards and then walking through the malls, you will come out onto On Tin Street. Cross the road and walk up on Ping Tin Street. Walk up to the top and you will see St Paul's Secondary School (a red and white building). NAIS is right across the road. Simple!