Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 June, 2024

Building self-confidence in children: the NAIS Dublin approach

Building self-confidence in students | NAIS Dublin  - Building self-confidence in children
At NAIS Dublin, our students’ happiness and wellbeing are our top priority. And a big part of ensuring our children are engaged, motivated, and successful is building their self-confidence. 

So, how do we do this? In this article, we talk about our approach to building children’s self-esteem and confidence in the classroom – and beyond.   


Why is building self-confidence in children so important?


We know that confident students don’t just perform better – they’re happier and healthier, too.

The research backs this up. Studies show that confident children are much more likely to succeed academically. They’re also more motivated, resilient, and capable of bouncing back from adversity.

When children are confident and secure about who they are, they’re also more likely to have a growth mindset. This means they’re motivated to take on challenges and engage in new experiences. They’re also more likely to ask for help when they need it.


What is self-confidence?

Self-confidence is believing in ourselves, our ideas, and abilities.

In school, this could be:

  • Putting your hand up to answer a question in class.

  • Believing you can speak or perform in front of people.

  • Feeling prepared to take on a challenge, like an exam.

Confidence is also about understanding and accepting who you are as a person.

This could be:

  • Feeling proud of how you look.

  • Doing the things you like without worrying what others think.

  • Making plans for the future, based on your individual goals.


What factors can affect a child’s self-confidence?

The importance of confidence cant be underestimated. But there are many factors that can have a positive or negative affect on a student’s self-esteem. These include:

  • Exam results and coursework marks.

  • Friendships.

  • Social media.

  • The level of support a young person needs and/or receives.

  • Body image and feelings about appearance.

  • Achievements and skills.

While good experiences, like doing well on a test, can build self-confidence in children, negative experiences can lower self-esteem. Your child’s confidence may change from day-to-day, too.


How we build self-confidence in children at NAIS Dublin


We want every child to feel positive and confident in their own unique abilities. We also want them to feel comfortable with who they are as individuals.

We strive to improve our children’s self-esteem in two fundamental ways:


1. Creating an environment that brings out the best in every child

As a school, we work hard to create an environment where every child feels comfortable, included, and inspired

  • A truly international community

Home to students from more than 45 countries, NAIS Dublin is a diverse community where learners are exposed to a variety of cultures, experiences, and perspectives. This broadens their view of the world, giving them the confidenceto interact with different people and environments.

  • A place where talents shine

Our school is a kaleidoscope of cultures and interests, providing a backdrop against which unique talents shine bright. We offer lots of opportunities for our students to discover their strengths, pursue passions, and do what they love. We challenge them to take control of their learning, too. This boosts  confidence in their abilities and prepares them for the future of their choice

  • Wellbeing at the heart   

Our educational approach is underpinned by a deep commitment to wellbeing. Our ‘six pillars of sustained wellbeing’ are embedded into the curriculum, giving our students the tools to look after themselves and grow in confidence. We build resilience and instil a sense of self-belief, empowering each child to live their best possible life.


2. Offering an array of confidence building activities

Both our lessons and extra-curricular programmes are packed with experiences designed to build self-confidence in our children.

We want our students to seize new opportunities, too, and realise that anything is possible. And if something doesn’t work out, we always encourage them to try (and try!) again.

Confidence building activities include:

  • Global, regional, and local expeditions, which expose our students to different cultures, people, and ideas. These enriching opportunities build confidence and independence, as our young people spend time away from home, form strong bonds, and enjoy new experiences.

  • Nord Anglia competitions and festivals, which give our students the chance to showcase their skills on an international stage. These include Model United Nations conferences, which nurture public speaking and communication skills, and boost self-confidence.

  • Community service opportunities, which demonstrate the impact a person or people can have on others. From the Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) element of the IB Diploma to our collaboration with UNICEF, hands-on opportunities to effect change show our students they can achieve anything.

  • A rich variety of clubs and extra-curricular activities, which enable our students to cultivate their interests and discover new passions. These include our sports teams, which keep our children fit and healthy, and give them outstanding opportunities to grow in confidence.


How to build self-confidence in your child

We believe that building self-confidence in children is a team effort. Regular positive reinforcement, both at school and at home, will contribute to your childs sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

Below, we’ve suggested a few practical ideas to build self-confidence in your child:

  • Embrace individuality. Encourage your child to appreciate what they’re good at, as well as what they find harder to do. It’s important they understand that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses.

  • Celebrate small achievements. Whether it’s signing up for an after-school club or writing the first line of a tricky piece of coursework, help your child to realise that every small action is a step towards a bigger achievement.

  • Encourage passions. Encourage your child to do what they love. Their confidence will grow by taking part in activities or learning experiences that align with their passions.

  • Be adaptable. Support your child as they consider their options, review their goals, and adjust their efforts to meet changing demands and circumstances.

  • Be positive. Show your child how to face setbacks with a positive mindset, seeing difficulties as ways to learn, not insurmountable obstacles.


Recognition and reward

As a community, we celebrate our students’ achievements, big and small. This contributes to positive self-image, instils belief, and increases self-esteem. We know that positive recognition inspires others, too, helping us cultivate a dynamic atmosphere where the sky is the limit.


For more information on building self-confidence in children, please get in touch with us Enquiry