Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 November, 2020

Our Nord Anglia Education student-led podcast returns for season 2!

Our Nord Anglia Education student-led podcast returns for season 2! - our-nord-anglia-education-student-led-podcast-returns-for-season-2
Our Nord Anglia Education student-led podcast returns for season 2! A Little Bit of Genius. The podcast where our students chat with world-renowned guests.  editbanner

In every episode of our education podcast series, hear two of our students quiz world experts about their lives and careers.

From the resilience needed to complete the first non-stop global hot air balloon flight to what it takes to win gold at the Olympics or land a lead role in the Hamilton Broadway tour, our guests have so much to share with our students (and you!)


A Little Bit of Genius, our student-led podcast returns for season 2!

Our new student hosts get to chat with an amazing line-up of guests, from a record-breaking explorer, to a Broadway performer, to Olympic gold medallists and more. The guests share their fascinating stories and the role resilience played in overcoming the challenges they faced.

Never miss an episode. Learn more at or listen to the podcast via any major podcast platform:

 Icon - Spotify Spotify

Icon - Apple Podcast  Apple Podcasts

Icon - Soundcloud  Soundcloud

Icon - Google Music  Google Podcasts

Icon - Ximalaya  Ximalaya