Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
20 November, 2019

Service as Action Guest Speakers

Service as Action Guest Speakers - service-as-action-guest-speakers
Service as Action Guest Speakers Last Wednesday we welcomed two guest speakers to share their work on Service as Action projects. DSC_0137

Last Wednesday we welcomed two guest speakers to share their work on Service as Action projects.

Harriet Donnelly spoke to students about the global issue of plastic ocean pollution and the actions that can be taken to address this issue. Her charity Flossie and the Beach Cleaners regularly organize beach cleanups along the coast of Dublin and she was able to share some quite remarkable stories and real-life examples of the types of materials they find on these beach clean up.

Carol Hennessey from Team Hope also came to speak to students about her stories delivering the Christmas Appeal shoeboxes to children in different parts of the world. She shared some incredible stories of hardship, poverty and also joy.