Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
30 August, 2019

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back! - welcome-back
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"A warm welcome back to students, staff and parents!"
Paul Crute Principal
Paul Crute Principal
Welcome Back! The heart beat of any school is its community. It is the people and not the building! Our community of old and new students and parents sprang back into life this week as energetic new faces raced into the building fresh from their holidays and travels.  DSC_0290

The heart beat of any school is its community. It is the people and not the building! Our community of old and new students and parents sprang back into life this week as energetic new faces raced into the building fresh from their holidays and travels. 

First-day-nerves and back-to-school nerves soon dissipated for new pupils, returning pupils and parents as returning faces wrapped reassuring and welcoming arms around them. This morning our Parent Teacher Association held their welcome coffee morning for all new parents which drew strong attendance. If the energy and warmth of our first two days is anything to go by, we are poised for a super year ahead. 
