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News image Succeeding in the 21st century means learning how to think, not what to think - succeeding-in-the-21st-century-means-learning-how-to-think-not-what-to-think News | Global Education
Succeeding in the 21st century means learning how to think, not what to think
Educators today face a significant challenge. The world in which we live is evolving rapidly, but the way we teach students has hardly changed in over 100 years. Are we therefore doing everything that we can to prepare students for the world they will experience when they leave school?
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News image The Edge Sports Hall Official Opening - the-edge-sports-hall-official-opening News | Featured
The Edge Sports Hall Official Opening
Today we celebrated the official opening of The Edge Sports Hall our brand new state of the art sports facility. We also celebrated our schools first birthday and it was wonderful to look back on what we have achieved over the course of a year.
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News image Welcome Back! - welcome-back News | Featured
Welcome Back!
The heart beat of any school is its community. It is the people and not the building! Our community of old and new students and parents sprang back into life this week as energetic new faces raced into the building fresh from their holidays and travels.
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News image Bursting Across The Finish Line - bursting-across-the-finish-line Blog | Principal's update
Bursting Across The Finish Line
We had the final Parent Teacher Association meeting of our opening academic year on 14th June. In that meeting our PTA Chair, Erin Zhurkin, highlighted the tremendous achievements of the PTA this year and my thanks go to all involved for making what has been TRULY remarkable progress. Mrs Bateson, Mrs Cannell, Mr Dunphy and I gave a retrospective of the year and a taste of what is in store next academic year as the school scales up to meet increasing demand for places.
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News image It Has Been A Privilege (A look back on Year 1) - it-has-been-a-privilege-a-look-back-on-year-1 Blog | Campus Developments
It Has Been A Privilege (A look back on Year 1)
On 4th January 2018, I arrived in Dublin for the first time. I was driven to a recently vacated building destined to become Ireland’s first International School and the tour began. With the remnants of the Microsoft Christmas party all around me, I stood in what is now Tir na nog and began to imagine…
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News image Our New Climbing Wall - our-new-climbing-wall News | Campus Developments
Our New Climbing Wall
This week our sports team took delivery of our brand new climbing wall! Rock climbing will be covered as part of the PHE curriculum and one of our CCAs for the 2019/2020 academic year.
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News image Lord Puttnam Visit - lord-puttnam-visit News | Featured
Lord Puttnam Visit
During last Wednesday's MYP Core Session we welcomed Lord David Puttnam for an insightful talk on change, innovation and activism.
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News image The reward of well-rounded study - the-reward-of-well-rounded-study Blog | Global Campus | Global Education | NAE Global Family
The reward of well-rounded study
Nearing the end of his first year of University, Nord Anglia International School Shanghai, Pudong graduate Eric Chen shares his thought on how the rigour and well-rounded approach to academic study in his senior years at school prepared him well for his degree.
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News image The impact of a shared dream - the-impact-of-a-shared-dream Blog | Global Education
The impact of a shared dream
A powerful online tool is spurring students into building more robust charity and social service programmes designed to create a greater, positive impact in their local communities.
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News image In tune with success - in-tune-with-success Blog | Juilliard | Featured | Global Campus | Global Education | NAE Global Family
In tune with success
Students experience both artistic and personal breakthroughs at Nord Anglia’s newly expanded Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard program.
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News image More than a single answer - more-than-a-single-answer Blog | Featured | Global Campus | Global Education | NAE Global Family
More than a single answer
Learning has shifted from solving a problem with a single, definitive answer to identifying problems in a given situation and offering multiple, possible solutions, Nord Anglia's Education Director, Andy Puttock says.
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News image Unleash your creativity - unleash-your-creativity Blog | Featured | Global Education | MIT | NAE Global Family
Unleash your creativity
Creativity isn’t a trait unique to those who pursue the arts. Educators say it’s a way of thinking that leads to imaginative and unique solutions to all types of real-world problems.
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News image Taking the lead - taking-the-lead Blog | Featured | Global Campus | Global Education | NAE Global Family
Taking the lead
Summer camps aren’t what they used to be says Pierre-Louis Martin. It isn’t just about games, nature walks and story time. His school’s camp, the Champittet Summer Leadership Course, is designed to develop leadership qualities in young people through different activities. It’s what students want.
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News image News Default Image Blog | Featured | Global Education
Does it matter which university you choose?
Where you go is not who’ll you’ll be, were comments that sparked debate recently in the media and got many of us thinking, does that statement ring true for the university you choose? At ICS, as with Nord Anglia's schools around the world, our students have access to experienced university and careers counsellors to help them prepare for life after school, which, for many, includes attending some of the world's leading universities. Windermere Preparatory School’s International Student Advisor Ruth Lahnston, Counselor Nancy Gerena and British International School Chicago, South Loop’s Director of Counseling Lindsay Kafitz say students should choose a university that is the best fit for them.
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News image The core of education’s future - the-core-of-educations-future Blog | Featured
The core of education’s future
In the age of automation, developing strong values, a sense of purpose and well-being will enable students to succeed in the future, Dubai education expert says.
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News image Curious minds in high demand - curious-minds-in-high-demand Blog | Featured
Curious minds in high demand
Promoting curiosity and exploration is crucial to help achieve more effective problem solving. Schools can play a part in developing these qualities in young people through inquiry-based learning
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News image Leading by example - leading-by-example Blog | Juilliard | Featured | NAE Global Family
Leading by example
Alumni artists from The Juilliard School frequently visit our schools around the world, transforming the connection students have to the performing arts.
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