21 May, 2021

Catching up with LCIS Alumni

Catching up with LCIS Alumni | La Côte International School Aubonne, Switzerland - catching-up-with-lcis-alumni
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As the IBDP is very demanding, my studies at LCIS taught me how to organise my workload and meet my deadlines.
Mila Alserda
LCIS Alumna
Catching up with LCIS Alumni We catch up with La Côte International School Aubonne Alumni. Find out how the IBDP has helped them at university and beyond!

In the second of our ‘Catching up with LCIS Alumni’ series, this month we find out what LCIS Alumna, Mila Alserda, has been doing since she graduated from LCIS in 2019 after studying the rigorous 2-year IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme). 

The IB programme is well-known for ideally preparing students for a successful transition to higher education by fostering key skills such as self-management, the ability to cope with pressure, but also intercultural competence, research, enquiry, independent study and critical analysis skills.

As we sit down with Mila, she tells us that studying the Diploma Programme here at La Côte International School Aubonne, where class sizes are small and teachers closely follow each student's learning journey and are always on hand to offer students tailored support and guidance, has not just made a difference during her time here, but also allowed her to succeed at university.

Mila was interviewed by Alison Piguet, Head of Primary

Mila, you graduated from LCIS in June 2019; tell us what you have been doing since then.

I am in my third year of university, studying at the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne.  It is quite a challenging study which covers many different subjects related to business. Fortunately, it is also a well-recognized program which has allowed me to get a marketing internship at Dior.

What attracted you and your family to LCIS ?

I moved to LCIS at the age of 15. The fact that it is a small school, where everyone knows each other, and the classes were small, was appealing. The facilities, such as the Art and Design department, were very impressive as well. Having these different tools at my disposal really allowed me to improve many different art techniques.

How did the environment, which LCIS provided, help you grow?

I received individual attention in all my subjects; knowing all my teachers on a personal level, made me feel at home and listened to. But I also had many opportunities to focus on my social skills through field trips, tutoring and musicals.

Are you still in contact with your friends from LCIS?

Yes, I still call my best friends as often as possible.

What did you receive/learn at LCIS that really made a difference?

The individual learning support from teachers, especially in the art and business departments, really made a difference. I was able to perfect my English, having a very basic level when I joined the school. And I learnt the importance of volunteering and giving back to the community. This is something which I still do to this day.

What message would you like me to pass on to your teachers?

I would love them to know that they have made such a difference in the way in which I perceive education. They showed me what I can expect from teachers. I now know when to ask for guidance at university and in the workplace at my internship. Personal guidance at LCIS was a given and never something I had to ask for. However, being in a larger university now, I know what teachers have to offer and often ask for it when peers would not. This has proven to be a way to get more out of my university studies.

How did your roles, opportunities and experiences at LCIS prepare you for university life?

I learnt how to properly write and structure my essays. This is mostly due to the curriculum of the IBDP. My various extracurricular activities helped me in the university application process and when getting into student associations once at university. As the IBDP is very demanding, my studies at LCIS taught me how to organise my workload and meet my deadlines.

What have been the highlights of your course at EHL so far?

My internships. The first one being on a private yacht in Greenland. And my current internship at Dior in the Netherlands. Making new friends anywhere and being able to meet up with them all over the world. For example, meeting friends from university in Vietnam while we were on separate holidays or having gatherings in Amsterdam with students from different years at my university.

What are your plans for the rest of this year and for the remainder of your course? 

I will be doing my internship until August. Then I have one more year at EHL where I will take electives and undertake a consulting project. I would then like to do another grad trip with my best friends from LCIS - we are all finishing university at the exact same time! Then I plan on applying for a Masters in the Netherlands.

What are your career aspirations?

I am not sure yet whether I want to do a Masters with a focus on strategy or sustainable innovation. Perhaps I would like to work in consultancy or for an NGO. I would really like a job which allows me to see the world and I think that my international background will allow me to do so, thanks to LCIS.

Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years time?

I would like to have a job with great responsibility and growth opportunities. I have always been quite ambitious when it comes to school and my career, so I do like the idea of doing an MBA later on. In the long-term I would like to switch from working for a large multi-national to a smaller start-up so that I can increase my responsibilities and autonomy.

And in terms of my best friends, I definitely know that we will still be in touch in 5 years. And I would really like to have a reunion with my entire graduation class, too.

Mila, we are all very proud of what you have already accomplished, and what you are planning to do next. We are sure that you will go on to great things, and will make a difference as a true 21st Century global citizen. Good luck and thank you!