23 November, 2020

EYFS and Primary Physical Education and Sports

EYFS and Primary Physical Education and Sports - eyfs-and-primary-physical-education-and-sports
EYFS and Primary Physical Education and Sports "Early Years Foundation Stage and Primary Physical Education and Sports skills are the first step for many children in acquiring new skills and progressing in confidence and ability” says Victoria Furbur, Primary Sports Teacher at La Côte International School Aubonne. Header

“I believe that Early Years Foundation Stage and Primary PE (Physical Education) and Sports skills are the first step for many children in acquiring new skills and progressing in confidence and ability” says Victoria Furbur, Primary Sports Teacher at La Côte International School Aubonne.

“Being able to do that in a fun and supportive environment with peers and passionate staff around them is what enables all children at every age the opportunity to succeed. Planning a specific curriculum is something I feel extremely passionate about and dividing the skills that we are looking to acquire and progress in over the term is how I believe children attain, progress and secure a range of skills.”

Last Term, Early Years Foundation Stage and Lower Primary students have worked on a range of skills under the umbrella of ‘Fundamental skills’. The children have worked on various ways of movement, jumping, catching, and throwing, balance and coordination, agility, racquet and bat skills. “Often, topics will link from one area to another and we will re-visit areas where further support is required” Victoria Furbur explains. Upper Primary students have focused on Football, thinking about strategy, teamwork, defending, attacking, positioning and communication. They have also used various games to encourage hand/eye coordination, spatial awareness, communication, teamwork, and supporting each other.

Victoria Furbur explains further: “Throughout all that I teach at La Côte International School Aubonne is the underlying element of support and kindness. A competitive spirit is an excellent attribute and one that I encourage, but when we are looking at building new skills we should and will all be there supporting each other. Listening to the needs of those around us, actively supporting each other and encouraging each other when perhaps we are finding things a challenge is extremely important to me and only adds to a positive and valuable learning environment. Regardless of the skills already learnt, language, length of time at the school, learning ability, age, or previous experiences, I genuinely feel that sport is an area we can all learn and grow with. It may not be your strength, but it can give you confidence and build self-esteem which carries into other areas of your life. Regardless of age, it can and does make a difference. We smile, we laugh, we progress, and we support - even at an early age for me this is the value in sport and skills. “

This half term, our Year 1 and Year 2 students will be working and looking at aesthetics and movement. Through a range of activities with and without apparatus, the children will explore how they can create fluidity, expression, strength, and control. Victoria Furbur explains: “This week, we have explored shape and motion, focusing on using our bodies to represent the letters of our school. Connecting ideas, communication, collaboration, and the use of movement is all part of this fun and engaging activity. Creating a smooth and connected routine that can be performed in front of each other builds confidence and gives the children an opportunity to share and discuss ideas and thoughts. I have been so impressed by the way in which the children have embraced a slower paced and more creative activity. Perhaps a long way from our usual high energy lessons, it has given the children new ways to explore movement and has really shown some creative and interesting ideas. A great start to this new and enriching area of sport.”

Victoria Furbur has been at LCIS for 7 years, initially as Early Years Teacher, before retraining to pursue her passion for bringing sport and younger students together.