22 February, 2018

2018 Tanzania Expedition

2018 Tanzania Expedition - 2018-tanzania-expedition
2018 Tanzania Expedition

Every year, La Côte International School Secondary students have the opportunity to join the Nord Anglia Education Global Campus Tanzania Expedition. This is a unique chance for La Côte International School students to work alongside fellow students from other NAE schools across the globe, whilst making a lasting contribution to the local communities in the Arusha region 

2018 Tanzania Expedition What an amazing, life-changing experience!

Every year, La Côte International School Secondary students have the opportunity to join the Nord Anglia Education Global Campus Tanzania Expedition. This is a unique chance for La Côte International School students to work alongside fellow students from other NAE schools across the globe, whilst making a lasting contribution to the local communities in the Arusha region 

We're blown away by the dedication and commitment of the LCIS students who took part in the Tanzania voluntary expedition alongside other Nord Anglia Education students from around the world.

Fifteen of our MYP4-5 and DP1 students were selected to participate in this life-changing NAE Global Campus project, which took place in February 2018. Since their arrival in Tanzania, every one of our students has worked really hard on their community projects: laying the foundations of a new school for children with special needs; completing work on the village goat shed; installing solar lights in the local villagers' houses; making the smokeless stoves that help ensure safer cooking practices for local families and building wooden desks for the new school.

This is what makes true global citizens! What a unique opportunity to learn about sustainable development, make friends for life and develop the resilience and confidence to know that they can make a lasting impact on the local communities in the Arusha region.

Great job, well done everyone!



The programme is open to Secondary students aged 13+, who are eligible to apply for a place on the LCIS Tanzania Expedition group.

The eight day expedition will take you to the Arusha region of Tanzania. Here you will follow in the footsteps of over 400 fellow Nord Anglia Education students from all over the world, who have taken part in previous expeditions, discovering the diverse and vibrant culture of Tanzania, whilst significantly contributing to the communities of the Kitefu and Imbaseni.

This fantastic opportunity will provide a real and life changing experience for you, equipping you with essential skills and experiences that will be greatly advantageous in your future life. You will build confidence, independence and leadership skills. You will work as part of a team managing your own time, developing resilience, persistence and resourcefulness.

Part of the programme is fundraising before the expedition. Each participant will need to raise the equivalent of 300$. This goes to Tanzania to support the work going on there. This means you will be involved in different activities raising funds for the sake of the Tanzanian communities. The range of activities will depend on your entrepreneurial mindset and commitment. So you need to have some good ideas and be ready to get involved!