Pavel Sukonnikov

EAL Tutor, Year 7 Form Tutor
Pavel Sukonnikov - Pavel Sukonnikov

My teaching philosophy is to get excited about my own lessons. After all, if you don’t captivate the students, who will? I take great care in the progress of my students. It is crucial for them to see that it motivates them to reach higher levels.

Here at ISM, I have always enjoyed working with a great team that I can count on, as well as seeing how children grow and develop every day. Most importantly, it is a great pleasure to see children happy and interested in what they are learning.

I love sports, travelling and I am a fan of good cinema. There’s nothing more inspiring than seeing a good work of art. It is a good way of building up your vocabulary and improving your listening skills. Watching films in the original language is something I keep recommending to anyone who is interested in learning languages.

Qualifications: International Institute of Humanities and Linguistics - Specialist in Translation