Paul Curry

Head of English and Drama Department
Paul Curry - Paul Curry

Paul has been teaching for over 20 years, across a variety of different subjects, in both Primary and Secondary education, and including several years experience of management responsibilities. Therefore it is fair to say there is not a lot that Paul hasn't turned his hand to in schools around the world!


Paul worked in his native UK for nine years as a Secondary English teacher before deciding, in 2011, to embark on a career in international education. This experience has mostly been in Russia (Moscow, Tyumen, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, and now back to Moscow), but interspersed with spells in Spain and Morocco.  However, he feels that he is now back to doing what he enjoys the most - his first true love - delivering English lessons to enthusiastic and talented Secondary students. Also, he is thrilled to have the opportunity to lead the English department, and be a positive, calming, caring influence on teachers, students and parents alike. His educational philosophy is very simple - every student is unique, and finding the key to unlock the talent within everyone in his classes makes teaching the most rewarding job possible.


Outside of school, Paul enjoys going on long walks with his wife, and photographing interesting architecture across the city. He is a dedicated supporter of Newcastle United FC, and also follows many other sports, especially cricket, darts and baseball. Travelling to new countries is also a passion, and he hopes to add Hungary and Slovakia to his visited list very soon.


BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics (University of York, UK)

PGCE Secondary English with Drama (University of Leeds, UK)