Justin Noack

Head of Lower Campus
Justin Noack - Justin Noack

Justin discovered a passion for education through his volunteer work at a local school near his home in Australia. After initially being enrolled in an International Business degree, he transferred to a Bachelor of Education and has never looked back since.


Almost 30 years later, Justin has developed a deeply caring educational philosophy that strengthens the character of young students. He believes in schools as community focal points, where learners are nurtured, challenged and guided towards successful and happy lives. Over the years, this approach has consistently led to outstanding results and happy students in all the different areas of the school that Justin has led.


More than simply a place for children to learn, Justin believes in school as a place where parents, teachers and students can all be their best selves. There are few greater joys for Justin than seeing families forming lifelong memories and bonds by participating together with their children in one of the many family-oriented events ISM has to offer and which Justin has helped to pioneer.


Each day at ISM is a genuine pleasure for Justin, working with all the students, staff and parents that form this strong and special community. The friendly, caring and ambitious atmosphere one can sense everywhere around Lower Campus represents his ideal vision of what a school experience can be.


Master of Arts in Educational Leadership & Management - Nottingham University, UK


Bachelor of Education - Queensland University of Technology, Australia


National Professional Qualification for Headteachers - National College of Teaching and

Leadership, UK


Aspiring Principal Leadership Programme - Nord Anglia Education


Qualified School Inspector - Independent Schools Inspectorate