Jacqueline Lipp

Head of EAL
Jacqueline Lipp - Jacqueline Lipp

What Jacky loves most about her profession is that it is impossible to lose interest in it: no member of her team or student is ever the same, and she has never stopped learning or innovating.


On joining ISM in 2011 as the EAL coordinator, Jacky quickly realized that it was an amazing opportunity to create a world-class department.  The EAL Department was awarded the prestigious Nord Anglia Education Team Award in 2019 and over 70% of her students routinely achieve A grades at iGCSE.


First and foremost, Jacky wants all her students to become excellent communicators in English.  The high standards of reading and writing that they achieve allow them to reach their potential in every mainstream academic subject.  In addition, to ensure that students continue to progress beyond the confines of the EAL classroom, she puts great emphasis on developing them as independent language learners.     


In class, collaborative work plays an important role in fostering her students’ engagement and in the development of their characters, and it chimes well with Jacky’s belief that when students are truly engaged in what they are doing and sufficiently challenged, they will learn.  A key strategy that she adopts is to discover her students’ interests, so she is immensely proud to see them being successful around the school, whether it is in making friends, doing sport, playing music or gaining success academically.


Away from school, Jacky enjoys reading, indulging in her passion for history, and spending time outdoors walking, gardening, cycling, skiing and swimming.


Multilingual Learner - Professional Tutor Training (Nord Anglia University)


Post-graduate Certificate in Education with Distinction (University of Buckingham)


RSA/UCLES Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (British Council Teaching Centre)


Diploma in Teaching English for Business with Distinction (Guildhall University)