Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
30 May, 2022

Lower Campus Easter Egg Hunt

Lower Campus Easter Egg Hunt On 15th April, Lower Campus Krylatskoye celebrated the Easter holidays with a fun and enchanting Easter Egg Hunt. Find out when the Easter Bunny visited our campus and what gifts he brought for our students.

To celebrate the end of our Spring Term and welcome the Easter holidays, we began our Easter celebrations with our annual Lower Campus Easter Egg Hunt.  


On the evening of the 14th of April, all was quiet on the Lower Campus playground. Little did the children know that a magical being was visiting their campus in the dark of night. With floppy ears, a fluffy coat and a basket full of chocolate eggs, the Easter Bunny littered the front playground with eggs for our students to locate. 


On the morning of the 15th of April, the sun shone down as students began to arrive to school for their final school day before the holidays. Each class then had the opportunity to come outside and were given ten minutes to find as many eggs as they could! Children bolted left to right, up and down, across the playground, searching the play equipment as they went, and using their eagle-eyed vision to locate as many chocolate eggs as possible.  


With their baskets full of eggs and faces full of smiles, every Lower Campus student had found a chocolate egg! What a way to celebrate Easter and the emergence of Spring, having fun in the sun with their friends! 


The Easter Egg Hunt of 2022 was a huge success! Let’s hope that our magical friend returns to revisit us next Easter and our fantastic students will once again celebrate Easter with friendship, happiness and, of course …  chocolate! 
