Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
19 May, 2020

Student Leadership in our Virtual School

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Student Leadership in our Virtual School The International School of Moscow strongly believes that student leadership is at the core of everything that we do as a school, but what does that mean within Virtual School? Untitled1 hero

“In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”

Former US President Harry Truman

Leaders: our world is hungry for them. From children who are leading their siblings and classmates, to high-level executives and political figures, we always need people to step up and take on responsibility. As teachers, we are invested in preparing our students to thrive in the world of their future. 

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The International School of Moscow strongly believes that student leadership is at the core of everything that we do as a school, but what does that mean within Virtual School? Student leadership can be categorised in many different ways, but roughly speaking these are the core skills that we seek to develop for each student: 

  • Goal-oriented
  • Honest
  • Hard-working
  • Willing to serve others
  • A good listener
  • A good communicator
  • A good decision-maker
  • Encouraging
  • Positive
  • Responsible

These core skills are developed and promoted in all online lessons, but we have also conducted a range of lessons where Student Leadership is the main focus. Our Student Council meets online every two weeks to discuss current issues and challenges, as well as sharing a weekly message in the online assembly. Our Digital Leaders and Eco-Committee have also held online meetings, and House Captains provide weekly updates to the wider school.

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Year Six students have created audio stories for our younger students, and Year Seven students are due to lead online lessons to help prepare the current Year Six students for their transition to Secondary School. Some Year Six students have also taken the place of their class teacher by creating end-of-day update videos for the rest of the class. 

Virtual School poses many challenges, but developing student leadership online is exciting and has been a major success across all campuses at the International School of Moscow. 

Happy leading!

Written by Chris Charlton, Head of Rosinka Campus