Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
11 March, 2019

Book Week 2019: Inspiring Storytelling

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Everyone here is a storyteller. I loved how everyone was so engaged in the story and gave off the impression that everyone is creative.
Mara Menzies
Mara Menzies
Book Week 2019: Inspiring Storytelling Book Week 2019 was a resounding success at ISM Rosinka. Kicking off the festivities, students celebrated their favourite books by designing and constructing t-shirt book reviews which highlighted both their creative ideas and the wide-range of literature enjoyed by the students of ISM. DSC_1526 copy_HERO

The Book Week 2019 was a resounding success at ISM Rosinka. Kicking off the festivities, students celebrated their favourite books by designing and constructing t-shirt book reviews which highlighted both their creative ideas and the wide-range of literature enjoyed by the students of ISM.

On Monday morning, our Primary Campus students were treated to a wonderful storytelling workshop from our visiting author, Mara Menzies, who ventured from Scotland to inspire the pupils. The tales of Halakani will continue to be spread in ISM folklore! After the performance, we caught up with Mara, who had this to say about her first impressions of ISM: 

Following the assembly, Anastasia fondly recalled Mara’s visit to her classroom in which all of her classmates were engrossed in a story about the sun and the moon. Throughout the week, all of the classes at ISM Rosinka were visited by Mara and heard the most compelling stories. We guess that Mara must be right - everyone is indeed a storyteller!


On Tuesday morning, our EYFS students were treated to a performance from our special guest. With all eyes firmly fixed on Mara, Mr Bateson’s ‘magnet eyes’ were made redundant for the day as all of the boys and girls were busy using their imagination to envisage the King, the Eagle and the Sparrow.

On Thursday morning, snacks and stories were the order of the day with the Breakfast Book Club. Over thirty students came to the library to read whilst having their breakfast snacks.

To finish the week, all Rosinka students gathered in the Primary campus to celebrate their learning experience and showcase their fancy dress costumes. With so many excellent outfits on show and proud students showcasing their outstanding performances, it was a fitting end to an excellent week. Congratulations to Mr Powell and Mr Mehrabian who were voted the best-dressed teachers by the students.


Other highlights of the week included students using the public address system to inform their classmates that they should pause their lessons to read their books. Narek, Bobby, Vlada, Maryana, Ruben and Zlata had the unique experience of addressing the school.

Already, expectations are high for Book Week 2020. If you have any suggestions on how to make next year’s Book Week even better, share your idea with the Student Council.

Written by Michael Graham, Year 4 Teacher, Anastasia (1i), Matei (4j) and Zlata (6i)