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News image New linkimage News | schoolevents | Krylatskoe | Rosinka Campus | School Events
'End of Year' Virtual Celebration
The morning of Friday the 26th of June 2020 will also live long in the memory of all members of our school community as it was our first ever Virtual End of Year Celebration.
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News image LINKIMAGE Screenshot 20200626 at 092405 copy News | rosinka1 | Highlights | Rosinka Campus
Rosinka Family Games
Over 40 Rosinka families and 15 teachers signed up and the Games were a huge success, with some outstanding videos being shared.
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News image DSC_0559 linkimage News | FEATURED ARTICLE | Highlights | Krylatskoe
A ROARing Start to the Morning
Every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 08:00 (MSK), Mr Storey and Mr Langford have been streaming live into the homes of the ISM community and beyond, with listeners joining us from the UK, Ireland, South Korea and even Australia.
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News image linkimage News | SF | Sixth Form | Student Work and Success
Career Talks
As part of our transition programme for Year 11-13 students, we have had various guest speakers join us online to discuss their career paths with our students.
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News image Virtual Art Exhibition_youtube cover dimensions_linkimage News | art | Highlights | Krylatskoe | Secondary | Sixth Form | Student Work and Success
Art and Media Exhibitions
It has been another very successful year in the Art and Design and Media Studies Departments at The International School of Moscow which our recent exhibitions have proved.
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News image Flyer 1_linkimage News | globaleducation | Global Education | Secondary
ISM Girls Prove their Maths Skills in the Global Competition
ISM Secondary students recently participated in the world's first inteGIRLS online mathematics competition in the last week of May. Guilia, one of the participants, wrote a short blog post about her incredible experience.
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News image Screenshot 20200607 at 165242linkimage News | 1ism | EYFS | Highlights | Krylatskoe
Immersive Learning in EYFS
Creating an immersive learning environment is at the heart of the Early Years experience at The International School of Moscow. Rich learning opportunities, with hands-on challenges, develop children’s thinking skills and promote their active engagement throughout these younger years.
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News image Screenshot 20200527 at 130411 News | musicdrama | EYFS | Lower Primary | Music | Rosinka Campus | Upper Primary
Creating Music with Household Utilities
Music within Virtual School has been very exciting with many different activities taking place including dance, drumming and singing throughout the weeks.
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News image 35242croppedw300h185of1FFFFFFnaegc_socialhub_300x220px News | globaleducation | Global Education | Krylatskoe | Rosinka Campus | Student Work and Success
ISM Students Engage in NAE Global Campus Competitions
In both Primary and Secondary, Global Campus has seen ISM’s students participate in a wealth of activities this year, with many having engaged in competitions and other learning opportunities on Nord Anglia’s online platform.
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News image Screen Shot 20200515 at 151240 1 News | studentsuccess | Lower Primary | Rosinka Campus | Student Work and Success | Upper Primary
Student Leadership in our Virtual School
The International School of Moscow strongly believes that student leadership is at the core of everything that we do as a school, but what does that mean within Virtual School?
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News image Screen Shot 20200519 at 165221 linkimage News | musicdrama | EYFS | Krylatskoe | Lower Primary | Music
Spring Concert 2020: Lego Edition
With our Virtual School Experience in full swing, our students have participated in a wide variety of exciting online musical performances. It’s great to know that distance is no barrier to experiencing the joy of musical expression.
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News image 89810792_822532058266641_4705693137320804352_o_linkimage News | globaleducation | Global Education | Secondary
ZYGMUN Model United Nations
Our Year 9 Student, Polina, shares her experience at ZYGMUN Model United Nations Conference.
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News image IMG_20190912_114127 1_mailchimp News | k | Krylatskoe | Lower Primary | Upper Primary
Krylatskoe Lower Campus Cares
It has never been more important for children to learn how to become sound stewards of the global environment. The children on Lower Campus have repeatedly shown genuine care for our planet and are skilled in thinking of creative ideas to help.
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News image Screenshot 20200527 at 155400 linkimage News | musicdrama | Music
ISM Virtual Orchestra
The first ever ISM Virtual Orchestra gathered musicians together from across our school and gave us a chance to relive the memories of our wonderful musical events.
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News image 20200213 ISM Rosinka Photoshoot  00904  DSCF0564_linkimage News | studentsuccess | Lower Primary | Rosinka Campus | Student Work and Success | Upper Primary
Virtual School Experience
As uncertainty develops across the world, here at ISM one thing is for certain: our whole community is pulling together, and our teachers are working flat out to provide the highest standards of learning possible through our Virtual School programme.
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News image ISM_Moscow_Krylatskoe UC_2019_055 1 News | 123 | Krylatskoe | School Events | Secondary | Sixth Form
(I)GCSE & A-Level Evening
Our (I)GCCE and A Level Options Evening was a great opportunity for our students and their parents from Years 9 and 11 to discuss the various choices they will face in the near future.
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News image bookday 1_linkimage News | schoolevents | EYFS | Krylatskoe | Lower Primary | School Events
To Share a Million of Stories: Book Day
World Book Day at ISM Krylatskoe Lower Campus was a huge success, students and staff were all highly enthusiastic to share their favourite bedtime stories, fostering our ever-growing love of reading.
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News image IMG_7100_linkimage News | schoolevents | Krylatskoe | School Events | Upper Primary
Dreams and Nightmares: Book Day
World Book Day was celebrated in Upper Primary this year with the theme 'Dreamland'. Our students enjoyed the opportunity to come to school dressed in their bedtime clothes and share their favourite stories to read before bed!
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News image DSC_7764 linkimage News | rosinka1 | Rosinka Campus | School Events
Bedtime Stories: Book Day
On Thursday, 5th March, our students and staff at ISM Rosinka rolled out of bed and straight into school in their pyjamas...
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