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News image 英式教育的价值 - british school News | | | | Global Education
News image NAIS Pudong British education students News | | | | Global Education | news
英式教育的价值 - 05/05/2023
News image 英式教育的价值 - summer works progress News | Campus Developments
英式教育的价值 - 2023
News image Character Education - Character Education News |

最初了解到 NAIS Pudong 时,这里最吸引我的是注重学生全面发展的教育原则,并能够以丰富的教育资源和学习体验,帮助学生树立自信、增强适应能力和提升身心健康,培养他们成为新一代的优秀公民。  学校乃至整个诺德安达集团都奉行“志存高远”的教育理念。  对我来说,远大的志向并非局限于求学之路,因为不是必须学业有成才能收获成功,成功的人生也远远不止于此。  我认为,志存高远就是立志成就最出色的自我,在收获学业成功的同时塑造自己的优秀品质,成为一名全面发展的杰出人才。

News image Wise up - Wise up News
News image What is the Extended Essay - What is the Extended Essay News

拓展性论文作为 IBDP 核心部分的一项内容,拓展论文是全体 IBDP 学生都需要完成的 4000 字研究项目论文;

News image A taste of El Dia De Los Muertos - A taste of El Dia De Los Muertos News | |
A taste of El Dia De Los Muertos - 2021
El Dia De Los Muertos is originally a Mexican tradition that has now spread to much of Latin America. It normally takes place from the 31st of October to 2nd of November, depending on the country. It involves family and friends gathering to pay their respects and to remember people who have died. El Dia De Los Muertos, however, celebrates death using a different concept: it tries to take a more humorous tone as people remember funny events and anecdotes about the departed.
News image We looked for autumn treasures and listened to the sounds of the forest. - We looked for autumn treasures and listened to the sounds of the forest News | |
News image "Faster, Higher, Stronger…. Together" - Secondary Sports Day - Faster Higher Stronger Together Secondary Sports Day News |
"Faster, Higher, Stronger…. Together" - Secondary Sports Day 2021
Last Tuesday, Secondary students welcomed the month of November with high spirits during our exciting and sunny Sports Day.
News image Early Years parent workshop | The Importance of Motor Development in the Early Years - Early Years parent workshop The Importance of Motor Development in the Early Years News | |
Early Years parent workshop 2021 | The Importance of Motor Development in the Early Years
This session aims to help parents gain a deeper understanding of what we mean by motor skills, how children develop their gross and fine motor skills and the importance of developing these skills for other aspects of learning such as writing.
News image SHAMUN Conference - SHAMUN Conference News | | |
SHAMUN Conference 2021
14 delegates, one committee president, three co-presidents and two MUN directors headed off early this morning to SAS Puxi for the SHAMUN Conference.
News image End of Summer Picnic at NAIS Pudong - End of Summer Picnic at NAIS Pudong News | | |
End of Summer Picnic at NAIS Pudong 2021
The sun was shining on the first NAIS Pudong picnic of the academic year! With last week’s typhoon a distant memory, new and old families gathered on the NAIS Pudong field to enjoy some quality time together making new friends and catching up with older ones.
News image Under 19 netball is back! - Under 19 netball is back News | |
Under 19 netball is back! - 2021
After almost two years away from the netball court it was a fantastic return to competition on Saturday when the Under 19 girls dominated play to defeat their long-standing rival in the city Dulwich.
News image Student Spotlight | Leyi - Student Spotlight Leyi News | | | Primary
Student Spotlight | Leyi | 2021
Leyi from NAIS Pudong has recently been honoured as one of the brightest students in the world by The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY).
News image Whole School Meet and Greet Evening - Whole School Meet and Greet Evening News | homepagefeaturedarticle |
Whole School Meet and Greet Evening
Great to see so many parents join our staff at the very first community event of the year.
News image Another year of outstanding results by NAIS Pudong’s IB Diploma students! - Another year of outstanding results by NAIS Pudong s IB Diploma students News | homepagefeaturedarticle | |
Another year of outstanding results by NAIS Pudong’s IB Diploma students! 2021
Our students achieve more than they may have thought possible. We believe there is no limit to what students can achieve socially, personally and academically. This year, our students’ academic results reflect our shared commitment to excellence in this area.
News image TOK Exhibition | A milestone in the IB Diploma - TOK Exhibition A milestone in the IB Diploma News | |
TOK Exhibition | A milestone in the IB Diploma - 2021
Our Year 12 students completed and submitted their Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition on 22 June
News image Tiny Tots|A sneak peek into Early Years in NAIS Pudong - Tiny Tots A sneak peek into Early Years in NAIS Pudong News | | Primary
Tiny Tots | A sneak peek into Early Years in NAIS Pudong - 2021
Our recent toddler group “Tiny Tots” has been a real success, it was not only aimed at supporting relationships between children and parents but also to provide a range of experiences to promote learning and development for the child.
News image Reusable mask making in school  – A Student Council Initiative - Reusable mask making in school A Student Council Initiative News | | | Primary
Reusable mask making in school – A Student Council Initiative - 2021
Our School Council are promoting their new sustainable initiative which is to create our very own reusable masks!
News image N4e4w4s4 D4e4f4a4u News |
What's on in Sports at NAIS Pudong - 1st – 5th February 2021
What’s on Sport and CCAs next Week from 1st – 5th February 2021