Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
21 December, 2023

Creating the next generation of global citizens

Global Citizenship | Compass International School Doha - Creating the next generation of global citizens

Global Citizenship | Compass International School Doha - Creating the next generation of global citizens


Our students are the next generation of world-changers and future makers. They’re the leaders of tomorrow; the big-picture thinkers and energetic creators – the people who are going to shape our world for the better.

This is why, at Compass, we place such importance on global citizenship. We want your child to develop the knowledge, skills, and values they need to contribute to communities, understand international issues, and engage with other people. We also want to open their eyes to the endless possibilities available to them, both now and after graduation when they leave us.


What is global citizenship?

Global citizenship focuses on the shared human experience. Wherever we come from or live, we’re on this planet together – and our wellbeing and success depends on how we interact with one another. It’s also about caring for the people we share this world with whom we share our world –, respecting their human rights, and building a more peaceful society. Global citizenship means engaging positively with other identities and cultures, too – and being able to recognise and challenge stereotypes. Finally, iIt’s also about common values and shared responsibility. Global citizens understand that local events are shaped by things that happen elsewhere, and vice-versa.


Why is global citizenship important?

While the concept of global citizenship isn’t new, it’s becoming ever more important in our increasingly interconnected world.As technology advances and, our environment changes, and social and political movements become more complex and global, changing the way we work, learn, and live together evolves. Embedding global citizenship in education encourages our students to embrace and positively contribute to this evolution. It enables helps them to understand their place in our world. And it connects them with others through shared passions and the opportunity to effect real change.


The benefits of being a ‘global citizen’

At Compass, global citizenship is an integral part of the world-class education we offer. 

Both in and beyond the classroom, we’ll empower your every child to step outside of their comfort zone and broaden their horizons. We’ll teach themour students how to function and thrive as part of an interconnected world. We’ll support them to become empathetic, open-minded individuals with strong morals. And, ultimately, we’ll help them to find their voice.

Put simply, Global citizenship supports helps our students to:

• Develop their understanding of world events.
• Think about their values and what matters to them.
• Take learning into the real world.
• Challenge ignorance and intolerance.
• Get involved in their local, national, and global communities.
• Develop an argument and eloquently share their opinions.
• See that they have power to act and influence the world around them.


Global Citizenship | Compass International School Doha - Creating the next generation of global citizens


Fostering the next generation of global citizens

Here At Compass, global citizenship isn’t a standalone subject or extra-curricular activity – it’s a framework for learning that spans the curriculum and stretches beyond the our school gates. It’s embedded into everything we do, enriching our students’ academic and social education.

Extraordinary immersive experiences

To enhance their understanding of global issues, Our hands-on approach to learning we engages students in real-world experiences that enhance their understanding of global issues that. Activities range from beach clean-ups and animal welfare expeditions, to life-changing outreach projects in Tanzania.  Our students learn about Qatari heritage and traditions through our partnership with Qatar Museums, too.

The Nord Anglia Education family

Being part of the global network of Nord Anglia Education schools unlocks an array of unique opportunities. Each child’s lLearning is enriched by innovative collaborations with The Juilliard School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which offer exclusive access to the world’s best performing arts and STEAM programmes. And on the award-winning Global Campus platform, our students can connect, collaborate, and take on challenges alongside more than 70,000 peers worldwide. 

Our collaboration with UNICEF

Our exclusive collaboration with UNICEF encourages our students to think about how they can support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals agenda. Every year, our young people take part in the Global Challenge, which includes the chance to attend the UN High-level Political Forum in New York. A variety of activities surrounding World Children’s Day teach our students about their rights, how to protect them, and how to advocate for those who may not have a voice.

Leadership opportunities

Our students drive tangible change through our Young Learner’s Programme, as they devise, plan, and deliver sustainability projects across the region. Many of our young people take part in the world’s leading youth achievement scheme, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, too.

Celebrating our diversity

Our school is a vibrant environment that’s home to children and families from more than 80 countries. We celebrate our diversity at cultural events throughout the year, including International Week, which opens our students’ eyes to different traditions, customs, and perspectives.

Parent and community engagement

Our diversity is our strength, and we truly value the strong relationships we have with our parents and local community. Our Friends of Compass group leads the way, helping our families settle into life in our school, city, and country, as well as providing regular opportunities to come together as a collective.

The world is open to our students 

Our commitment to global citizenship sets our students up for the brightest of futures. 

With a global mindset, breadth of skills and experiences, and strong values and principles, our young people are perfectly placed to flourish at universities and in careers and vocations in Qatar and around the world.

To find out more about global citizenship at Compass, please get in touch with us at:

Changing the world