Last week at Madinat Khalifa, Primary students took part in a wide range of STEAM-based activities related to the theme of 'LIFE'. They focused on two specific aspects - 'alien life' and 'social life' – participating in activities encompassing science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics.
STEAM Week launched on the Sunday with a virtual assembly, where the Student Council demonstrated to all classes how to use Dojo Islands – a digital collaborative space where children can play, explore and collaborate together. We saw some fantastic outfits, with many children being voted 'best-in-class’ by their peers for their fantastic designs and creativity.
Throughout the week children from all classes took part in two whole-school art projects – creating a ‘Compass Alien’ canvas and ‘Alien World’ mural, using a variety of different art techniques and materials. In the classrooms themselves, Milepost 1 created spacecraft from simple materials and tested them, whilst Milepost 2 took part in a rotation of activities. In this rotation, the children took part in four activities: using symmetry to design their name in an alien font; creating UFO flying saucers; participating in an 'exoplanet webquest'; and using Scratch to code a simple game on the laptops. Milepost 3, having previously created ‘alien world dioramas’, focused on exoplanet paintings, as well as a stop motion animation project documenting life on an alien world. All the children also took part in an 'Exoplanet Scavenger Hunt', where they explored some of the most famous exoplanets to have been discovered so far!
We would like to say a big thank you to all the parents who supported their children in the week’s activities, and also those who came into the campus to take part in class activities. Also a big congratulations to all our STEAM Achievers of the Week, who demonstrated the STEAM skills of creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking in abundance!!
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