Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 June, 2022

Things to do in Doha

Things to do in Doha | Compass International School Doha - Things to do in Doha
There are a a number of cultural and historical sites and events of interest in Qatar and Doha.
  • Historic Castles: Doha Castle (Alkoot), Alzubara Casle Alwajba Castle, Um Sala Mohamed Castle, Alyousofia and Alshaqab Castle.
  • Historic Museums: National Museum of Qatar, Museum of Islamic (MIA), Qatar National Museum, Arms Museum (regional), Alkhor Museum (regional), Sheikh Faisal Bin
  • Qassim Al-Thani Group Museum, Arabic Art Museum.
  • Cultural Complexes: Souq Waqif, Souq Wakrah, Waqif Art Centre, University of Virginia Common Wealth in Qatar Art Gallery.
  • Cultural Groups: The Valley of Culture (Katara), Souq Waqif, Cultural Village, Alfannar Cultural Mosque and Centre.
  • Cultural Festivals: Doha Film Festival, Qatar Marine Festival, Qatar Food Festival and Doha Creativity Festival and Freedom.