Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
11 October, 2021

Celebrating IB 2021 Results - Chloe Mannings

Celebrating IB 2021 Results - Chloe Mannings - celebrating-ib-2021-results--chloe-mannings
Celebrating IB 2021 Results - Chloe Mannings Chloe Mannings has graduated from the IB programme at Compass with fantastic results, and is now pursuing LLB Law at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom.

Chloe Mannings has graduated from the IB programme at Compass with fantastic results, and is now pursuing LLB Law at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom.

Chloe is half Greek and half British, has represented the school in U16-19 netball, as well as athletics, cross country and volleyball. She also completed her Duke of Edinbrugh's Awards from Bronze to Gold with Compass - her gold expedition being the first Nord Anglia expedition to take place in Tanzania, after her CAS service trip there in January 2020. She was also part of the school’s funkadelic orchestra and was appointed Head Girl in Year 12.

We interviewed Chloe to learn about her experience as a Compass student in the IBDP programme.

How long were you a Compass student and at which campus(es)? What year did you start?

I started as a Compass student in 2017, going into Year 10, and remained there for four years until the end of my senior education.


If someone who had never heard of Compass were to ask you to describe your experience at the school to them, what would you say?

You’ve got to be at Compass to truly understand the community. What makes it a great school to study at is the small classes that you get to know well, and the teachers that dedicate so much time to your education.


When did you graduate from Compass and where and what are you currently studying at university?

My graduating class was the Class of 2021, and I am now currently studying law at the University of Exeter.


How was your last year at Compass?

My last year at compass was a mix of highs and lows. On one hand, completing the IBDP was hard work, on the other, I really enjoyed spending time with my classmates.



What did you enjoy about the IBDP?

The flexibility of having many classes to take. The resulting workload can become overwhelming, however, you can be surprised by the subjects that you thrive in. Having a range also gives you time to decide which course you’d like to take at university, because taking so many classes allows you to meet many different course subject requirements.


In IB, are you given opportunities in class to practice or apply what you are learning to real-life situations or to apply the knowledge in solving new problems?

I’ve definitely gained study and research skills that are now useful in university.



What did you find the most challenging about the IBDP?

Figuring out the independent research projects (extended essay and independent assessments) was very challenging for me. Even now, months after, I’m thinking of different project ideas that could have been equally as interesting, but easier for me to conduct.


In your opinion, how has the IBDP at Compass prepared you for success and university and in your chosen field specifically?

The ability to juggle a large workload independently.


If I were a student starting the IBDP, what advice would you give me that you wish someone would have told you when you started?

Please make sure you get your teachers to start work on the IAs at the beginning of your third term in Year 13. Spend time during your summer working on your EE, it relieves a large workload.


What do you miss the most about your time at Compass?

I miss always knowing that I had someone to turn to, whether that be a classmate or a teacher.