Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
02 March, 2020

Gharaffa Buzz | Monday, 2 March 2020

Gharaffa Buzz | Monday, 2 March 2020 - gharaffa-buzz-monday-2-march-2020
Gharaffa Buzz | Monday, 2 March 2020 Enjoy our updates from Ms Karen Wilson, Head of Campus, Gharaffa.

Dear Parents,

Success is the result of taking risks and being ambitious; last week at Gharaffa campus we were once again unbelievably successful.

Success can be defined in so many different ways.  We witness success on a daily basis as we watch individual children begin to take responsibility, gain confidence, show resilience, achieve an academic goal or make a new friend. Some are achieved quietly without a fanfare whilst others are recognised in assemblies via celebratory certificates and medals. We are incredibly proud of all our achievements and successes.

Thursday is a very special day at Gharaffa. Not only do we celebrate our successes in assembly but also have the opportunity to learn more about the students’ learning.  Year 1 to Year 6 were blown away by 5A’s knowledgeable, intelligent delivery of their unit, ‘Mission to Mars’.  The class assembly was visually spectacular as the students presented key facts in a clear, articulate manner.  There was a confidence and a natural flair to this assembly and it was evident that the children had worked closely with their teacher, to create an assembly which they enjoyed delivering.  Well done to all the children and to Ms Halls, Ms Praveena and Ms Hughes. 

The Year 6 residential last week was a huge success.  Our students enjoyed two nights under the stars and arrived back in school on Tuesday exhausted, with an exciting recount of their adventure.  We hope the children remember this experience for many years to come.  Thank you to Mr Hart and Ms Payne for their time, dedication and energy.

Last week’s successes included, a Basketball medal brought home by our girls’ Basketball team who competed against 10 other schools.  The news that our 16 students who recently entered the DELPH French exam were successful and that our school choir who for the first time have competed in the Qatar School Choir of the Year competition had impressed all the judges.  We received some excellent feedback.  Well done to all our students for showing resilience and determination.  Thank you also to Mr Sanderson, Ms Rasha and the PE department.

Also last week, our Year 1 and Year 2 children competed in a swim gala at the Madinat Khalifa campus.  I heard that all the children enjoyed this opportunity to practise their swimming techniques.  Thank you once again to our PE teachers.

PAWS animal charity visited the school last week accompanied by two dogs, a fluffy white cat, a rabbit and two tortoises.  The trip was organised by the Year 4 team to support the International Primary Curriculum unit of study, Land, Sea and Sky which has a specific endangered animals focus.  The PAWS team delivered an interesting presentation about animals.  The charity is also looking for homes for many orphaned animals in their care.  Many of these animals have led unhappy lives and are looking for homes where a kind family is happy to nurture them for the rest of their lives.  If you are able to help out then please contact the charity directly via their website.  Thank you to the Year 4 team for organising this valuable learning experience for the children.

Early Years 1 to Year 6 enjoyed a visit from The Juilliard School on Monday.  The Flutronix Flute Duo delivered a modern musical demonstrated to delighted children who also had the opportunity to ask many questions.  We also learned that Alison, one of the flautists played on the Lion King musical soundtrack.  Later in the morning, many children asked for autographs.  The ladies informed me that our students were superb, not only in the assembly but in the following master class.  Thank you once again to our wonderful Mr Sanderson for organising and leading the day.

At home, please continue to encourage your child to wash their hands frequently.  In assembly, Nurse Stephanie gave a demonstration as to how we should wash our hands correctly.  Please encourage your child to recount their understanding at home.

Well done to Finleigh Abrams who won the production poster competition.  Finleigh’s work of art will feature on our advertisement and tickets.  Finleigh received a delightful gift in assembly on Thursday. 

Have a wonderful week.

Karen Wilson

Head of Gharaffa campus