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Here in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland the Bureau of Equality, under the leadership of Maribel Rodriquez, has many different areas of interest. One area that particularly interests me, as a professional working in education, relates to the equality of our children in Switzerland, particularly as it effects their future choices of careers and professions.
According to the Oxford dictionary « Equality is a situation or state where all the members of a society or group have the same status, rights, and opportunities ». The Swiss Constitution states that « Every person is equal before the law (and) the law shall ensure their equality, both in law and in practice, most particularly in the family, in education, and in the workplace. Men and women have the right to equal pay for work of equal value.»
Here is a link[1] to the UK classroom, where the students (whose ages range from 5 to 7) clearly show what they think the roles of men and women are with regards to their future professions. It is interesting to see how stereotypes and expectations begin at a very young age and this needs to change.
So coming back to Switzerland and the work of the different bodies working on equality here it is useful to know about «The School of Equality» initiative. This is one of the projects of the coordinating body of the Equality offices of French speaking Switzerland and Berne, a project which is piloted by the Bureau of Equality in Vaud.
The objectives of the « School of Equality » are important as they wish to encourage schools to take equality into account; to develop harmonious relationships between boys and girls; to sensitise students to gender stereotyping so that they can identify and deal with such situations and, (very important for Guidance Counsellors), enlarge the choices available to male and female students in their future career and professional choices.
This «School of Equality» has produced 4 brochures for children of different ages and a choice of activies are suggested to ensure egalitarian teaching for boys and girls.
A good start and a path we need to follow…..
Mary Mayenfisch-Tobin, Career and University Guidance Counsellor
By learning to plan their time wisely, students can be more productive, develop great study habits, and create a balanced lifestyle – one that fosters both personal and academic growth. Mastering this essential skill also sets them up for future success.
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