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News image thumbnailSSUDHB86 Blog | Our Blog
It is a brave new world: reopening our doors to students and boarders
In many ways, the pandemic has transformed our work, we have had to reinvent ourselves as teachers and educators, multitasking more than ever before, providing support over screens and messages and now helping our students and boarders negotiate a brave new world that none of us could have thought of just a few months ago...
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News image Orientation des lves Blog | Our Blog
The Times Higher Education Impact Ranking 2020- a brave new world?
Last year, 551 universities from 80 countries across 17 regions and 6 continents were asked to submit data for the ranking and 462 were ranked.  This year a further 291 universities have signed up to measure their own performance with regards to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
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News image The Happiness Pill Blog | Our Blog
The Happiness Pill
To lead a meaningful life is to lead a creative life; they are not add-ons, the conditions for its development need to be integrated fully into every aspect of our working lives.
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News image virtual school experience Blog | Our Blog
Leading a boarding community through a pandemic : an unknown challenge
These have been truly testing times for communities and countries all over the world. Many of us will have never had to face the fallout of a global pandemic, and as such it has put undue pressure on schools all over the world, particularly those with boarding communities.
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News image Online education Blog | Our Blog
Learning in a flexibly challenging world
It is also a timely reminder for me as an educator to consider the contemporary landscape of education.
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News image WhatsApp Image 20200220 at 155213 News
A look back on the ascent of the Kilimanjaro
A testimony from Dana Bauer, an English teacher and chaperon on the ascent of Kilimanjaro.
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News image freiburgerbarockorchester1THUMB News | Collège Champittet News
Cultural season concert, 27th of March - Freiburger Barockorchester
As part of the Cultural Season, Champittet College had the immense privilege of hosting the prestigious Freiburger Barockorchester in a program entirely dedicated to Jean Sébastien Bach.
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News image germinal1THUMB News | Collège Champittet News
Germinal, a colourful representation!
On Tuesday March 3rd, Collège Champittet received for the classes 11th to 14th the troop “Les batteurs de Pavés” for the theatre piece Germinal.
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News image Champittet_Lausanne_Sept 2021_042 News | Collège Champittet News
A look back on the ascent of the Kilimanjaro - March 2020
A testimony from Dana Bauer, an English teacher and chaperon on the ascent of Kilimanjaro.
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News image journeeextravagance2THUMB News | Collège Champittet News
Day of extravagance
A day under the sign of extravagance at Collège Champittet in Nyon on Tuesday 25th of February, a day when everyone can become who they want.
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News image loveplanet1THUMB News | Collège Champittet News
“I love my planet”
Last week, the students of Collège Champittet in Nyon received a visit from the Association "J'aime ma Planète" (I love my Planet), which addressed the notions of citizenship and all that it entails (respect for others, materials, the environment, tolerance, inequalities, etc.).
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News image minuscules1THUMB News | Collège Champittet News
Show "Les Minuscules" (The Tiny Ones)
On Thursday 27th of February, the 5th year classes from Collège Champittet in Nyon went to the Théâtre de la Parfumerie in Geneva to enjoy a magnificent interpretation of the children's novel "Les Minuscules" by Roal Dahl.
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News image happy Blog | Our Blog
The ultimate source of happiness is to be found within
Of all the phases through human life and in developmental stages, childhood is the simplest and the easiest to make happy and joyful.
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News image personnalisation Blog | Our Blog
La personnalisation face à l’individualisation
La raison d’être d’une école privée est d’offrir une alternative à l’école d’Etat, cela non seulement dans un but de performance académique mais plus encore dans celui de permettre un développement complet de la personne, ce qui inclut la dimension spirituelle mais aussi d’autres aspects comme l’éducation holistique (arts, confiance en soi, capacité à se connecter à autrui, sens de la responsabilité).
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News image WH76421 News
Ascension of the Kilimanjaro
Fifteen students and three teachers from Collège Champittet have set themselves the goal of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.
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News image mint Blog | Our Blog
Les démarches interdisciplinaires STEAM - MINT
Chacun peut observer l’importance grandissante du numérique et sa pénétration rapide dans tous les domaines. Une conséquence décisive en est qu’outre les compétences de travail en équipe et de communication, d’autonomie et d’adaptabilité, les étudiants doivent construire une véritable maîtrise de la culture MINT (Mathématiques, Informatique, sciences Naturelles, Technologie).
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News image equality Blog | Our Blog
« The School of Equality »- an update on happenings in Switzerland
The Swiss Constitution states that « Every person is equal before the law (and) the law shall ensure their equality, both in law and in practice, most particularly in the family, in education, and in the workplace. Men and women have the right to equal pay for work of equal value.»
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News image Hugo Blog | Our Blog
« Chaque enfant qu’on enseigne est un homme qu’on gagne. » (Victor Hugo)
L’idée selon laquelle la barbarie est toujours tapie dans l’ombre de l’ignorance, prête à surgir lorsque les circonstances lui sont favorables, est restée longtemps un lieu commun de la pensée philosophique classique sur les vertus émancipatrices et protectrices du savoir, entendu comme dernier rempart contre l’oppression, l’injustice et le mal.
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News image bac Blog | Our Blog
BAC 2021
C’est une très importante réforme du baccalauréat qui a été mise en place par l’Education Nationale en France. Elle présente trois changements essentiels.
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