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News image minuscules1THUMB News | Collège Champittet News
Show "Les Minuscules" (The Tiny Ones)
On Thursday 27th of February, the 5th year classes from Collège Champittet in Nyon went to the Théâtre de la Parfumerie in Geneva to enjoy a magnificent interpretation of the children's novel "Les Minuscules" by Roal Dahl.
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News image happy Blog | Our Blog
The ultimate source of happiness is to be found within
Of all the phases through human life and in developmental stages, childhood is the simplest and the easiest to make happy and joyful.
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News image personnalisation Blog | Our Blog
La personnalisation face à l’individualisation
La raison d’être d’une école privée est d’offrir une alternative à l’école d’Etat, cela non seulement dans un but de performance académique mais plus encore dans celui de permettre un développement complet de la personne, ce qui inclut la dimension spirituelle mais aussi d’autres aspects comme l’éducation holistique (arts, confiance en soi, capacité à se connecter à autrui, sens de la responsabilité).
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News image WH76421 News
Ascension of the Kilimanjaro
Fifteen students and three teachers from Collège Champittet have set themselves the goal of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.
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News image mint Blog | Our Blog
Les démarches interdisciplinaires STEAM - MINT
Chacun peut observer l’importance grandissante du numérique et sa pénétration rapide dans tous les domaines. Une conséquence décisive en est qu’outre les compétences de travail en équipe et de communication, d’autonomie et d’adaptabilité, les étudiants doivent construire une véritable maîtrise de la culture MINT (Mathématiques, Informatique, sciences Naturelles, Technologie).
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News image equality Blog | Our Blog
« The School of Equality »- an update on happenings in Switzerland
The Swiss Constitution states that « Every person is equal before the law (and) the law shall ensure their equality, both in law and in practice, most particularly in the family, in education, and in the workplace. Men and women have the right to equal pay for work of equal value.»
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News image Hugo Blog | Our Blog
« Chaque enfant qu’on enseigne est un homme qu’on gagne. » (Victor Hugo)
L’idée selon laquelle la barbarie est toujours tapie dans l’ombre de l’ignorance, prête à surgir lorsque les circonstances lui sont favorables, est restée longtemps un lieu commun de la pensée philosophique classique sur les vertus émancipatrices et protectrices du savoir, entendu comme dernier rempart contre l’oppression, l’injustice et le mal.
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News image bac Blog | Our Blog
BAC 2021
C’est une très importante réforme du baccalauréat qui a été mise en place par l’Education Nationale en France. Elle présente trois changements essentiels.
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News image steam1 Blog | Our Blog
A STEAM holiday wish for all
A time in our lives arrives when we start to question how those shapes relate to the real world and could these lines and shapes indeed be used to describe the natural world?
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News image monde Blog | Alumni
Notre monde évolue et l’école avec !
Notre monde évolue et l’école se doit de rester compétitive, pertinente, flexible, tout en accompagnant nos élèves à atteindre les objectifs académiques et sociaux.
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News image geek Blog | Our Blog
What do I need to succeed? A question for the students of today.
There is much talk about the nature of work in the future. What further impacts will advances in robotics and artificial intelligence have on the workplace of tomorrow for example? Where is my place? How can I prepare?
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News image vie Blog | Our Blog
La vie n’est pas plus loin que maintenant
Au coeur de la pédagogie positive, qui englobe l’éducation du jeune dans sa dimension holistique, l’expérience spirituelle lui permet de découvrir ses racines et son intériorité. Le but poursuivi est de parvenir à une connaissance de soi authentique. C'est un désir de rencontre avec l'absolu très présent chez le jeune qui dépasse les limites subjectives.
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News image intelligence Blog | Our Blog
Collective intelligence is unparalleled in predicting the future
The last Vaud Economic Forum focused on collective intelligence. The subject may seem out of place at a time of demagogic politicians and fake news. I would like to share with you the scientific aspects presented at the Forum, which I believe happily support the educational project of Collège Champittet.
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News image ordinaire Blog | Our Blog
Qu’est-ce qui fait la différence entre un bon élève et un élève ordinaire ?
Des études ont démontré que les élèves obtenant des bons ou des très bons résultats scolaires passaient en moyenne 20 minutes par jour à des lectures personnelles (non demandées par l’école), qu’il s’agisse de textes littéraires, de magasines spécialisés ou de journaux quotidiens.
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News image teachers Blog | Our Blog
What makes a great teacher?
Teaching is certainly one of the most legitimate and socially-useful professions in the world. Nations and communities can expect a huge return on their investment in education. In the face of increasing complexity and challenges, teaching deserves recognition, respect, and support.
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News image geog Blog | Our Blog
The importance of a geography education for the global citizens of tomorrow
Private schools, with their diverse international populations and curricula, are well-positioned to develop the competences required for the development of intercultural understanding - a concept viewed as an essential prerequisite for effective participation in a world constantly evolving in response to globalisation.
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News image time Blog | Our Blog
Times Higher Education Impact Rankings and how education can lead to a better, more equitable world
In the world of education, we should hope that the work we do with our students will be useful in their lives and will also give them the tools they need to improve our world.
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News image skills Blog | Our Blog
21st-century skills: fostering leadership among students
Only a generation ago, students were required to perform academically, athletically and ideally also artistically. A healthy dose of rebellion was tolerated as part of their maturation process. Now globalisation has made the world substantially more competitive.
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News image counselling Blog | Our Blog
College Counselling – In the News
These last weeks have been interesting for those of us who are University Guidance Counsellors. I opened the papers recently and saw a familiar face from the series «Desperate Housewives», in the spotlight in the United States because of the help she afforded to her children to ensure their acceptance into the « right » universities.
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News image literacy Blog | Our Blog
Programming, today’s literacy
Every student should be studying Computer Science in their formative years at school. The ability to future-proof decisions, to be able to exercise agile governance and make mindful decisions requires the knowledge and understanding of the technological world that we live in today.
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