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Lions Club International Art Competition
Each year, from September to October, the 9th grade classes participate in the International Peace Art Contest organized by the Lions Clubs International.
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News image Podcast  Guest 1  Bertrand Piccard News | Collège Champittet News
Interview of Bertrand Piccard, alumnus of Collège Champittet
Let's listen to the interview of Bertrand Piccard, alumnus of Collège Champittet!
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News image tournoisportifalumni1THUMB News
Alumni Sports Tournament
The traditional elders' sports tournament took place last Saturday.
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News image cielouvert4THUMB News
Forest School in Nyon
In addition to its Eco-School label, the Nyon campus has adopted a new pedagogical approach called "the open-air school" based on the pedagogy of Outdoor Education.
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Trip to Nendaz
Our three 7th grade classes went on a school trip to Nendaz, from 23rd to 25th September. On the programme: mountain biking in the heart of the mountains, climbing and outdoor games.
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News image libanOK News
Action for Lebanon
Following the tragic explosion that occurred in Beirut, Lebanon, this summer, Collège Champittet Foundation decided to involve the school community to support education in this crisis-stricken country.
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News image ecolecielouvert1THUMB News
Forest School 2020
It has been a month since preschool and elementary school students discovered their new learning places and they seem to have totally adopted to them!
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News image 3x1001THUMB News
3x100% - 2020 Results
The year 2020 has become a historic year for everyone, even before it is over, as the great "adventure" of lockdown has left a deep imprint on both memory and behavior.
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News image botteondamienTHUMB News
Portrait of Damien Bottéon, Deputy Director Nyon campus and 5th year teacher - EDTech trainer
For the past 15 years, the Champittet family has allowed me to fulfil myself as a teacher and has opened me up to other perspectives!
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News image nettoyage4THUMB News
13IB-CAS cleaning the environment
During our CAS (creativity-activity-service) lesson, our class of 13IB went to the forest nearby and decided to clean up the environment surrounding us.
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News image biblio1THUMB News
A renovated library for the new school year!
We took the opportunity of the summer holiday to renovate the library of our school.
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News image gotomikiko2THUMB News | Collège Champittet News
Goto Mikiko's concert
On Tuesday, September 15, Collège Champittet had the honour of welcoming the famous musician Makiko Goto.
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News image promotion5THUMB News | Collège Champittet News
Graduation day 2020 at Champittet
Last Friday, on June 26th, the award ceremony was held at Collège Champittet, which took place in a slightly different way than the previous ones.
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News image annegudinTHUMB News
Goodbye Anne Gudin
« Au revoir » but only « au revoir » because we hope that you will return to Champittet from time to time.
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News image galerieart1THUMB News | Collège Champittet News
Art gallery
Discover the works of Collège Champittet's elementary and secondary school students
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News image steam2THUMB News | Collège Champittet News
STEAM 2020
As part of the STEAM project, 9th and 10th grade students worked this year on finding solutions to water pollution.
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News image alumnigold2THUMB News | Collège Champittet News
Alumni Gold Event
A superb friendship binds this group of Champittet Alumni, who went to visit the Hôtel des Ventes, in Geneva, on June 24.
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News image poussins3THUMB News | Collège Champittet News
The arrival of the chicks
If you ask the students of Collège Champittet in Nyon what was the most striking memory of the month of May, many will certainly answer the birth of the little chicks.
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News image potagerpedago6THUMB News | Collège Champittet News
The educational vegetable garden
From cucumber seeds to a greenhouse of several square metres, the vegetable garden allows children to discover the magic of growing vegetables.
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