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News image Geography Worldwise Quiz - geography-worldwise-quiz Blog | Secondary | Khối Trung Học
Geography Worldwise Quiz
BVIS entered the third ever Vietnamese leg of the Geographical Association ‘Worldwise Quiz’, this year hosted by last year’s winners ISHCMC – American Academy.
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News image Saigon Enterprise Challenge 2017 - saigon-enterprise-challenge-2017 Blog | Secondary | Khối Trung Học
Saigon Enterprise Challenge 2017
BVIS hosted the 4th the Saigon Enterprise Challenge Competition (SEC) on Wednesday 26th April 2017.
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News image How the language you speak changes your view of the world - how-the-language-you-speak-changes-your-view-of-the-world Blog
How the language you speak changes your view of the world
Bilinguals get all the perks. Better job prospects, a cognitive boost and even protection against dementia. Now new research shows that they can also view the world in different ways depending on the specific language they are operating in.
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News image Why Bilinguals Are Smarter? - why-bilinguals-are-smarter Blog
Why Bilinguals Are Smarter?
SPEAKING two languages rather than just one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world.
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News image Development of Babies and Toddlers - Three to Four years - development-of-babies-and-toddlers--three-to-four-years Blog | earlyyearsprimary | EYFS Insight | Thông tin Mầm Non hữu ích
Development of Babies and Toddlers - Three to Four years
Your child is maturing rapidly. Active and mobile, h/she is now moving around on a tricycle and using other wheeled toys. These adept movers respond freely to music and love the rhythms of music, shaking and twisting their bodies. Better hand-eye co-ordination allows mastery of new tools like a toothbrush and scissors.
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News image Development of Babies and Toddlers - Two to Three years - development-of-babies-and-toddlers--two-to-three-years Blog | earlyyearsprimary | EYFS Insight | Thông tin Mầm Non hữu ích
Development of Babies and Toddlers - Two to Three years
The time between 24 and 36 months is often known as the “terrible twos” but this is not a very helpful way of describing the emotional roller-coaster little ones are on. Being emotional is a perfectly natural part of growing up and it becomes more evident as your child is showing increased independence.
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News image Development of Babies and Toddlers - From One to Two years - development-of-babies-and-toddlers--from-one-to-two-years Blog | earlyyearsprimary | EYFS Insight | Thông tin Mầm Non hữu ích
Development of Babies and Toddlers - From One to Two years
Your toddler’s sense of who they are is developing quickly. This can, however, bring with it displays of frustration, wanting to be more independent, and aware of themselves as different to other toddlers.
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News image 10 Things You Need To Raise A Bilingual Child - 10-things-you-need-to-raise-a-bilingual-child Blog
10 Things You Need To Raise A Bilingual Child
Raising bilingual children comes with many well-known benefits. For parents, it can be very rewarding; however, it isn’t always as easy as some may think. Children don’t magically become bilingual overnight.
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News image 4 steps to help keep your child safe online - 4-steps-to-help-keep-your-child-safe-online Blog | Principal | Hiệu trưởng | Home Featured Article | Nổi bật trên trang chủ
4 steps to help keep your child safe online
Children love using technology and are accessing the internet at an increasingly younger age. Here are four steps to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online.
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News image Work Experience at Standard Chartered Bank - work-experience-at-standard-chartered-bank Blog | bviscareersanduniversityguidan | Our Success Stories | Chia sẻ thành công tại BVIS
Work Experience at Standard Chartered Bank
Chi Man and Bao Tran had been doing the field work in Standard Chartered Bank for 3 days last week. During 3-day work, we have learnt lots of different skills which are really useful in real life such as communication, flexibility, team-work, etc.
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News image Work Experience at CGV Cinema - work-experience-at-cgv-cinema Blog | bviscareersanduniversityguidan | Our Success Stories | Chia sẻ thành công tại BVIS
Work Experience at CGV Cinema
Last week, Tracy and Jack and Allen had worked at CGV as interns. They worked for three days at CGV. Each one of them worked at different departments in the cinema, Tracy worked as a ticket seller while Jack and Allen made popcorns and directed customers to the right cinema.
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News image Hung - Menu Review - hung--menu-review Blog
Hung - Menu Review
Hello, my name is Hung and I am a House Captain in Year Six. I thought I’d write to let you know about the changes the Student Council has been making this year. From Term Two the Student Council has been working on changing the food because they wanted to improve the quality and the healthiness of the snacks, served at break time and also the meals at lunchtime.
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News image Que Huong Orphanage Volunteers and the BVIS Tet Box Appeal - que-huong-orphanage-volunteers-and-the-bvis-tet-box-appeal Blog | community | Service Learning | Học tập phục vụ cộng đồng | Primary | Khối Tiểu học
Que Huong Orphanage Volunteers and the BVIS Tet Box Appeal
Since 2012, staff and students at BVIS have been volunteering at the Que Huong Orphanage. In 2013, the volunteering initiative became an after school club, under the guidance of Ms Louisa Angus
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News image Tet Tree Decoration Competition - tet-tree-decoration-competition Blog | secondarynews | Head of Secondary | Trưởng cơ sở Trung học
Tet Tree Decoration Competition
The Vietnamese Lunar New Year, Tết, arrives again with joy and excitement filling the warmth atmosphere. Every year in BVIS, we celebrate in the spirit of Tết by organising meaningful events such as Tết Festival, Tet Assembly and a competition between houses- the Tet Tree Decoration. This year, starting from 11th January, students from years 7 to 13, are coming down to the football field during Break and Lunch time to help decorating the trees for their house teams.
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News image BVIS & BIS Cross-Campus Student Council - bvis-and-bis-cross-campus-student-council Blog | Primary | Khối Tiểu học
BVIS & BIS Cross-Campus Student Council
On Monday of this week, the Student Council representatives from all three Ho Chi Minh City campuses met at BVIS.
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News image Practice makes perfect: why mock exams are great for students’ brains - practice-makes-perfect-why-mock-exams-are-great-for-students-brains Blog
Practice makes perfect: why mock exams are great for students’ brains
Many students see sitting mocks as nothing more than a cruel trick. But these tests have more value than you might imagine – here’s why.
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News image Bilingual Children FAQs - bilingual-children-faqs Blog
Bilingual Children FAQs
Is it an advantage to speak more than one language? Yes. Bilingualism helps children’s learning because they can think about their ideas in both languages. They can communicate with more people in their community and internationally and understand different cultures. They stay connected to their family, so they feel secure in their identity and have more self-confidence.
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News image Chuyen Biet Rang Dong school visited us here at BVIS - chuyen-biet-rang-dong-school-visited-us-here-at-bvis Blog | community | Primary | Khối Tiểu học | Service Learning | Học tập phục vụ cộng đồng
Chuyen Biet Rang Dong school visited us here at BVIS
On Monday, November 9th, a group of staff and Students from Chuyen Biet Rang Dong school visited us here at BVIS. This school is one of our new link schools within the Binh Chanh community.
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News image November Seminar – The Speakers - november-seminar-the-speakers Blog | bviswholeschoolnews | Principal | Hiệu trưởng
November Seminar – The Speakers
The November seminar, that will take place on 24 November at 6pm, will be presented by a leading education consultant Ms Natalie Pham, supported, by BVIS’s Head of Secondary Mr Simon Graves, and will focus on comparing the three most popular types of international education: US, UK, and IB curricula
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