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Nord Anglia
12 September, 2022

Dan Chi (Class of 2022) – An alumni who achieved three A*’s in A Level examination

Open DayBANNER05
Dan Chi (Class of 2022) – An alumni who achieved three A*’s in A Level examination With all three A*'s in A Level exam, Dan Chi will be a student at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

Dan Chi – our alumni (class of 2022) had the outstanding A Level results: All A* for three subjects which were Physics, Economics and Maths. She has officially become a student at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), majoring in Accounting and Finance.

LSE is currently ranked #5 UK and #27 worldwide (THE Ranking 2022). To apply to the Bachelor’s program – Accounting and Finance, students must have 3 A's in the A Level exam.

LSE is located in London, UK.

“For over half of the year we were studying online, so it was quite challenging.  I raised questions during online classes or emailed teachers if I found anything unclear. Besides, I also discussed with my friends and learned a lot from them.


Getting A* for each subject was not easy. For my case, doing past papers was the key to A*s. In addition, my teachers provided plenty of resources, ranging from textbooks and notes to past papers - they all came in handy during my revision. Besides, they also made A-levels subjects more interesting through games and by telling stories related to the topics. Studying A-levels, therefore, was no longer a fear to me but rather an enjoyable activity.


I would love to thank Ms. Rania, Mr. Croft and Mr. Utama for answering countless questions from me. Special thanks to Mr. Russool for marking my essays every single week.” – Dan Chi shared.