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Nord Anglia
16 November, 2018

EYFS Weekly Updates 16/11/2018 from Ms. Julie Walton

EYFS Weekly Updates 16/11/2018 from Ms. Julie Walton A fantastic week of practicing for Early Years’ Christmas Production! We sang many happy songs and learn more about storytelling through instruments. And don’t forget to check out our new decal’s decoration!

A fantastic week of practicing for Early Years’ Christmas Production! We sang many happy songs and learn more about storytelling through instruments. And don’t forget to check out our new decal’s decoration!

The Early Years has had some new displays on the walls to freshen the environment up. The teachers in Early Years tried to choose books that they know the children really enjoy reading. Outside the F1 classroom, they now have a large beanstalk with a castle at the top. This picture is taken from the book ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. In the library, everyone agreed that one of our favourite books was ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance.’ We chose characters from the story and put quotes up to encourage us with our reading and storytelling. In the downstairs ELC, we have had a new and improved World Map taken from our Children’s Atlas. Our dining room has had fruit pictures put around the walls and we have numbers and shapes up the staircase. Look out for even more new designs over the next year!


In the F3 classes, they are really starting to develop and improve their story language. This week, they learnt to put musical instruments alongside their storytelling. They chose castanets and sticks to make the trip trap sound for the goats and they used a loud drum with a low sound for the troll. At the end of the week, they began to use their new vocabulary and book language to retell the whole story using our class story map. We were very proud of all the children!

I am sure you have heard all the Christmas songs playing for our Christmas performance. Please help your children to practice the words and actions for these songs at home. Some of the F3 children will also have lines to say and words for this will be going out to parents very soon. Here are the names of each of the songs with the classes next to them:

  • Wriggly Nativity - Every class sings this song
  • Donkey Plodding - F1 class
  • Rockabye Jesus - A group of F3 children
  • Dancing About In The Straw - F2B
  • Twinkling Stars - F3B
  • Skip, Skip, Skippity Hop - F2V
  • Angels - A group of F3 children
  • Bumping Up and Down on a camel - F3V

Don’t forget to put the date in your diary so you can join us for this event on Wednesday 12th December 9:00-10:00am.


Julie Walton - Head of Early Years