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Nord Anglia
02 October, 2015

"My Grandparents and I" Essay Writing Contest

"My Grandparents and I" Essay Writing Contest

We would like to send you the information about “My Grandparents and I" Essay Writing Contest held by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). 

"My Grandparents and I" Essay Writing Contest We would like to send you the information about “My Grandparents and I" Essay Writing Contest held by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

We would like to send you the information about “My Grandparents and I" Essay Writing Contest held by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). 

This information will be shared with students in lessons. Students are required to submit their writings to their form tutors. To fit our plans of year 7 and year 8 residential trips and the whole school break, the submission deadlines have been set as below:

For year 7 and year 8 students: The deadline is Monday, 12th October

For year 9, year 10 and year 11 students: The deadline is Friday, 16th October

See the “My Grandparents and I" flyer