Our students have achieved incredible results, including 100% pass rate International A Levels for the second year running. This figure becomes even more deserving to be admired since the number of students taking the exams rose 55% from last year. In addition, we have seen considerable increases in all grades. A*/A grades rose by 15% from last year, as well as A*-B rising by the same impressive margin on 2019. 19% of students achieved all A* and A grades with 3 students achieving A* grades in every paper.
Meanwhile in IGCSEs, 85 students took the examinations. This is a significant 40% increase in cohort size from the previous year. Again, this year the students achieved 87% for A* to C grades. The number of students who were graded at A* or A rose by 8% compared to 2019. 30 out of 85 students achieved 4 or more A*/A grades and 18 students achieved all top grades of A*/A. Notably, this year, 100% of those taking Mathematics one year early achieved the top grades. A huge congratulation to our students for a job well done!