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BST Parents Quiz Night
What a night! No one was quite prepared to answer all Mr Simon’s questions but we were all certain of one thing: it was a night to share laughter and have fun and we surely did.
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News image photo_20220519_214914 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
BST vs TIS – Staff Football Tournament
BST staff members spent a grueling Sunday playing football against TIS staff. The hard work paid off and BST staff took the trophy winning 2:5. Congratulations to all especially Mr. Ilkhombek, Bakhadir, Thomas and Shakeel for scoring goals and Mr Quandik for 15 saves. Go BST!
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News image Certificate  Ibraheem Andijani 2 11 News | globaleducation | Global Education | Искусствоведение
StemCo Olympiads
Some of BST’s secondary students participated in the online International StemCo Olympiad in different categories last month and won 14 awards in total! We have one gold, 6 silver and 7 bronze awards. Congratulations to Ibraheem Andijani, who won gold for Biology and is ranked number 2 globally. Please also congratulate Akbar Pulatov, Dhey Vanraj, Mridula Rout and Malek El Toamey for winning prizes in their categories. More information about StemCo Olympiads can be found here
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News image photo_20220620_165804 News | wholeschool | Whole School | Искусствоведение
Football at BST
Primary boys’ and girls’ football tournament against TIS in May was a smash! Both teams played against established players and won! In the first game, our quick Lions pounced with an early goal. They followed this with good possession and team play leading to two more goals. In the second game, they showed good teamwork and great communication with each other. The great team play resulted in a 7:3 win for the Lions. In the third game, the Lions were starting to get tired. But they did not lose concentration and showed great belief in themselves, working hard and determined to represent BST well. Despite conceding 2 goals they won the match 5:2. Our students showed confidence and played a beautiful final game resulting in a 7:3 win. We are proud of our primary Lions, because they showed really good sportsmanship, teamwork and competitiveness. This is a big step for the future and the middle school team will benefit from their inclusion. Well done Lions!
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News image image_20220524_172930 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama | Искусствоведение
Summer Concert
Thursday 9th June at 17:00 in the Kalandar Theatre. BST students, staff and visitors were delighted by music ensembles at The British School of Tashkent. They were uplifted by the choirs singing, the Funkadelic Orchestra, ukulele performances and a sprinkling of soloists. Tickets were priced at 10000UZS each, with all monies donated to a local children's charity.
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News image 13  fobisia News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
FOBISIA Inspection Visit – 23 and 24th May
What is FOBISIA? Established in 1988, FOBISIA is the Federation of British International Schools in Asia - a non-profit membership organistaion of 89 British schools, headquartered in Thailand.
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News image DSC_0229 1 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Environment Club Garden
Spring arrived suddenly this year which prompted the Environment Club to begin planting an assortment of seeds obtained from the bazaar. The seedlings progress was slowed by the four weeks of colder cloudy weather which followed planting. However, the students have now transferred some of the plants to our garden plot next to the STEAM building. These include both green and purple basil and cherry tomatoes which we will be able to harvest later in the year. To follow we have green peppers and some flowers: lobelia and jasmine. We are grateful to the gardener for watering the plants especially on weekends. We have also begun a composting garden and gathered some food waste to improve the soil and plan to put in some bulbs in the autumn to give us some colour next year.
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News image BST_Tashkent_2022_179 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Explore A levels at BST
Discover more about A levels at BST - By appointment only from Monday 30th May to Friday 24th June. Places Are limited so please book your appointment with Mr Jacques Krige (Head of Sixth Form) as soon as possible by emailing him at Learn more about A levels and our fantastic results buy visiting our Sixth Form page.
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News image VS1_6339 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Just Chilla – BST Summer Festival
Thank you for participating in our Summer Festival on Friday 27th May from 15:30 – 18:00 at Kalandar Campus. Despite the rain, visitors had fun experiencing Be Fit’s Zumba, Sports Challenges, Aqua Fitness, archery, splat the teacher, skipping, hoola hooping, raffles and much more. We raised over $2,000 to donate to a local Hospice in Tashkent so we may make the lives of the patients much more comfortable, Thank you to the BST community!
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News image News Default Image News | wholeschool | Whole School | Искусствоведение
Just Chilla, its Summer
Join us for the BST Summer Festival on Friday 27th May from 15:30 – 18:00 at Kalandar Campus.
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News image 14  cobis 4 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
COBIS Inspection – Every 5 Years
BST is a member of COBIS (Council of British International Schools) which ensures the highest quality standards for international schools. Schools are then checked for compliance every 5 years to ensure quality and excellence are maintained. Therefore, this week a COBIS Lead Improvement Partner, Mr Stephen Priest (Principal at the British International School at Tbilisi) visited BST and we would like to thank the students, staff and parents who showcased the best of BST.
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News image photo_20220402_144026 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Unsung Hero – Karen Brickley
Ms Karen has been working in a voluntary capacity in the MAC team since August 2021. But who is Ms Karen and what does she do?
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News image 13  fobisia News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
FOBISIA e-JAWS Conference
On 28th March, Teaching Assistants (TAs) at BST undertook the FOBISIA (Federation of British International Schools in Asia) e-JAWS training, so that they may have a positive impact on student learning, wellbeing, support those who are new English Language Learners or have a Special Educational Need, so that every student achieves academic success. TAs found the training inspiring and can’t wait to implement their knowledge into classrooms.
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News image 11  internationalDay News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
International Day and Festival
On Friday 25th March students at Sayram and Kalandar campus took part in activities that taught them about a number of countries from around the world. Many students dressed in their national costumes or from the country their class investigated.
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Navruz at BST
Primary school students celebrated the national holiday Nawruz, symbolizing the arrival of spring, with national dances, national games, poems and performances about the history of the holiday. Children have learned lots of new interesting facts about this holiday and enjoyed taking part in the assembly.
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News image 09mun 10 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
In early March, BST hosted their first MUN, with over 100 students playing the role of delegates from different countries and attempting to solve real-world issues after an inspiring speech from Ms Ashita Mittal, from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
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News image 03  options News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
What are the Options?
Making choices about our future studies is always a challenging and exciting time, and to support our BST students, our annual Options Evening was held earlier in the month. IGCSE's and A-Levels are internationally recognised and valued qualifications which will allow access to the best universities in the World, so it's very important that our students make the best decisions for them.
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News image VideoStill_BST_Social_Dono_01 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Bowstrings Videos...Finally
Last May, many BST students, parents and staff came together with Bowstrings (US production company) to produce videos that illustrate life at BST. We are proud that after 8 months of hard work the videos are now ready to be launched. View them here and share with your friends, family and colleagues!
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News image gulnur 3 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Unsung Hero – Gulnur Abdullayeva
Ms Gulnur was born in Tashkent and raised in Almaty, Kazakhstan where her family originate from. She spent her childhood with her maternal grandmother and uncles. As she has always been joyful and happy she was the youngest and favourite niece.
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News image refere News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Refer a Family
At BST our current families are our finest advocates and we want to reward you for your loyalty and kind words about us to your families and friends. Hence, we are relaunching our Refer a Family programme. It is a way for us to say thank you for your trust and confidence. For each new student you refer who enrolls at BST, we will discount your tuition fees by UZS 2.000.000. The tuition reductions are per student (not per family) and there is no limit to the number of students referred. You can get more information on this initiative by contacting us.
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