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News image 20191119_102741_1 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Year 5 investigating Air Resistance
This week Year 5 have been investigating Air Resistance using different surface areas of paper.
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News image 20191114_134822 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Students learning about Empires
This half term we have been learning about Empires. We started this topic by looking at one the most Iconic and well-known empires of all time; the Roman Empire. The children already knew a little about Rome and the Italian culture, but were fascinated on hearing how the small city became the capital of one of the biggest empires the world has ever seen. During our study of Rome, we have tried to immerse ourselves as fully as possible into trying to understand life during the Roman times. We have done this by learning about the daily diet, social hierarchy, place of living and the role of the army. The children have found the activities very interesting. They loved making their Roman shields and trying out standard Roman formations such as the Tetsudo (A defensive formation that relies on good team work). Going forward, we will be moving on from the Roman Empire and soon be focusing on the Mongolian Empire.
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News image photo_20191118_085645 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Year 6 studying the Willow Pattern of the Shang Dynasty
In IC this week Y6 students have been investigating the Willow Pattern of the Shang Dynasty. First, they illustrated sketches on paper and then transferred it to paper plates. Thirdly, the children with interest applied different materials and shades of blue to the sketches.
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Water color paintings from Year 6 students
Y6C applied the first layers of paint to their water colour paintings today.
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Baby group in our school
Thank you to all the families who came to baby group this morning. The children all had a wonderful time playing shop keepers and having a go at our new threading toys. I hope to see you all again next week for more fun, songs and bubbles!
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News image photo_20191115_083427 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Children learning the order of operations using BIDMAS
In Maths this week, the children have been looking at the order of operations, using BIDMAS (brackets, indices, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction). Using BIDMAS allows the children to know which part of a calculation needs to be completed first.
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Our school hosted a specialist from Juilliard Music School
The British School of Tashkent was very privileged to welcome Stephen Dunn on November the 5th and 6th. He visited us to assist in the implementation of our school’s involvement in the Juilliard / Nord Anglia collaboration for Music. “Stephen is a curriculum specialist from Juilliard Music School. He has been a trombonist since the age of 8. He has performed in more than 25 countries. Through his continued work with Juilliard and the NY Philharmonic, he is able to share his passion of music with students and audiences of all ages. He has worked with students and teachers at Nord Anglia schools around the globe.” He attended assemblies in both campuses, and through the trombone, enthused our Primary and EYFS children, engaging them in a variety of activities. Yujeong Song from Year 12, a trombonist herself, was indeed fortunate to have her own workshop with Mr. Dunn. I’m sure she will remember this valuable session for a long time to come. Children with November birthdays had the opportunity to try out a trombone! Many children were able to produce a sound after just a few attempts! Mr. Dunn worked collaboratively with students and teachers in a selection of classes in Years 2,4,5,8 and 9. He also worked with some of our GCSE students. Time permitting, he would have worked with all year groups. In addition to this, Music and Drama teachers benefitted from some professional development training on the Juilliard Creative Classroom curriculum. Moving forward, it is hoped that all students up to Year 9 will be introduced to this curriculum over the coming year. This will be implemented as an add-on to what we are already doing in the school. The Juilliard approach to music education can be summed up by the following quote: “By using our materials, we hope that your students will become more personally invested in their own artistry while they create, perform, and interpret. And through their discovery-based study of the Core Works, we aim to expand students’ artistic sensitivity, enhancing their own perceptual skills to last a lifetime.” Later in the current school year, it is hoped that we will benefit from a second Juilliard visit, this time from a Drama curriculum specialist. We look forward to this.
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Friendly basketball match between two schools
Our Year 5 and Year 6 Students played in TIS in a friendly basketball match and won 12:4! Congratulations!
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Our Year 9 student participated in piano competition in St. Petersburg
We were so proud to hear of Timurbek, one of our Y9 students who participated in a prestigious piano competition in St. Petersburg. How exciting for us all to hear that he was awarded first place. Very well done.
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Students with high academic results
Last Friday, Ms Spence, Head of KS 4, appointed a group of students as 'Prefects' in Y11, in recognition of their consistently high academic effort and personal standards at our school. The students were all presented with a 'Prefect' badge in a special assembly and were congratulated on their appointment by the Head of Secondary School.
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Students receiving the IGCSE certificates from Cambridge and Edexcel Examination Boards
It was with great pride and celebration that our Year 12 students were presented with their IGCSE certificates from Cambridge and Edexcel Examination Boards by Mr Maccaulay, Principal, in a special assembly, attended by parents and family of Year 12 too. Congratulations to all, keep up the hard work and study, and we look forward to when we will be presenting you with your 'A' level certificates!
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Year 1 students learning how to make the rockets
Year 1B have made fireworks... we started with plain pieces of paper and figured out how to make the rockets by ourselves! We think they look cool!!
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Trip to zoo with the EYFS
The EYFS children had a fantastic morning exploring the zoo. The loved learning all about the different animals and feeding them. The children were all superstars - Well Done everyone what an amazing trip!
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STEAM Festival in Pattaya
On the 2nd November, 6 students from Years 6, 7 and 8 were lucky enough to travel to Thailand for 4 days to take part in the regional STEAM Festival. 120 students from 15 schools travelled from around the Middle East and South-East Asia to take part in the annual Festival. At the STEAM Festival held in Pattaya, Thailand the students had to design and make a working prototype that answered the design brief 'Capture an image of something the eye has never seen before'. They were inspired by the Key Note Speaker from Ford who spoke about the design process involved in designing a new car and most importantly about how mistakes and errors can shape new thinking. The students were split into mixed groups and tasked to find a solution to the brief. The students used their pre-festival tasks as well as group discussions to select an extreme location and begin the design process. Although a teacher mentor was assigned to each group, all decisions were made by students. As part of the learning process, students attended workshops on a variety of different skills and technology with a view to sharing knowledge with their teams. The students went through the whole process from initial ideas to a completed prototype in 2 days. At the end of the 2-day festival, the students were required to set up an exhibition stand that showcased the prototype and required the students to talk to the visitors about their model, their design ideas and rationale for choosing the ideas of the material etc. Each team received feedback via a QR code system. For our students, this was a very valuable learning experience not only having the opportunity to meet and work with students from around the region but to follow through from an idea to an actual working model in 2 days. 1 out of the 6 students from Tashkent had their initial project location selected, 3 out of 6 BST students had their design ideas selected and 1 student was in the second-placed team at the end of the festival. The trip to Thailand wasn't all work and no play, the students had 2 days; 1 in Bangkok and 1 in Pattaya sightseeing. The students were able to see the famous sights of the country and learn about Thai culture. A great time was had by all!
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Stephen Dunn from Juilliard demonstrated how to play the trombone
EYFS had a wonderful morning celebrating music with Stephen Dunn from Juilliard. Stephen demonstrated how to play the trombone and the children asked lots of interesting questions. The pre- nursery and nursery children also enjoyed making musical shakers and creating art to music.
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Students from Year 6 created their own newspaper
Last week, the children in Year 6A completed their work on newspaper reports. We looked at how to record quotations in our reports and at how they enhance it, providing first-hand information from those involved. We then planned and created our own reports for our own newspaper, reporting on how the townsfolk of a small town came to the rescue when their lighthouse broke down in the night. We are combining this theme with our Science topic on electricity and creating our own functioning lighthouses in D&T sessions.
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Students are identifying the important dates in the history of China
In Lesson 2 of the Shang Dynasty, Y6C used time lines to identify important dates in the history of China.
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News image photo_20191021_095302 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Celebration of 30th Anniversary of the Law of "On the State Language"
Today, the 21st of October, our country is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the State Language". As an international school, we pay great attention to the study of languages and cultures. In Uzbek lessons, our teachers take a communicative approach to share all the possibilities and beauty of the language of Navoi, Bobur, Nodira and Uvaysi with the students.
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Year 1 students are learning measuring weight and mass
In Maths lessons, Year 1 students have been learning measuring weight and mass. They enjoyed the carousel of activities by using balancing scales.
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Russian language lesson
Today, students consolidated knowledge about adjective, developed the ability to recognize adjectives in the text, to establish the relationship of adjectives with nouns, to determine the gender and number.
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