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Valentines Day Serenades
Students of BST came together to organize their very own Valentines Fundraiser that lasted for a whole week.
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Congratulations and welcome to the new BST PTFA!
The PTFA exists to Facilitate communications between parents, friends, staff and the BST community Improve educational outcomes and the welfare of our students within the home, school and community.
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How does BST help your child to apply and secure a place at university?
For students at the British School of Tashkent (BST), our university counsellor and Head of Sixth Form, Mr Jacques Krige plays a key part in helping them to understand and successfully navigate their way to the university of their choice.
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International Day
The British School of Tashkent is an international school with an international community of over 40 diverse nationalities. We want to celebrate this diversity through our International Week and Day.
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Congratulations to Our AS Level Students!
We are delighted with the AS level results of our fantastic Year 13 students in an extremely challenging year.
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Unsung Hero – Viktoriya Krestyanaya – BST Receptionist
20 year old Viktoriya Krestyanaya was born in Chirchik, Tashkent in 2000. Viktoriya has always loved communicating with people from different backgrounds and this love in trying to understand the view of others may stem from her unusual family background. Viktoriya’s is half Korean, a quarter German, a quarter Russian and a 100% proud Uzbek at heart.
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News image chemistryLink News | globaleducation | Global Education | Искусствоведение
Subject Spotlight - Chemistry
Chemistry, along with biology and physics, is one of the three major components of science. If we look at biology as the study of living things and physics as the study of the motion of matter, then chemistry is the study of matter itself.
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News image OnePotCreamyCajunChickenPastaV1 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
January Recipe - Creamy Chicken Pasta
This month our Director of Marketing and Admissions, Shagufta Bibi shares her one pot Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta recipe. Perfect for busy weeknights!
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PTFA Elections
We have our upcoming annual general meeting and elections for the BST Parent Teachers Friends Association on the Thursday 28th January at 7pm, Kalandar campus. Please send your profile to be nominated (as Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Health and Wellness Lead, Communications Lead, Education Lead or Staff Welfare Lead) asap by emailing
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BST News Flash 1
Welcome to the first edition of BST Updates – the latest virtual news delivered directly to your inbox. Ms Elena Savtsova, our Admissions Manager, summarises our latest news to keep you updated on all things BST. Please watch the whole video until the end, you will enjoy it.
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News image openlesson News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Open Lessons
We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting a week of Open Lessons for existing and new parents starting on Monday 18th January. Please choose the sessions you want to attend from the timetable below, bring along a friend and once again experience what it’s like to go “back to school”. Uniform is optional.
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News image DSC_8834 News | globaleducation | Global Education | Искусствоведение
Year 1 & 2 Winter Show 2020
On Sayram Campus, our wonderful Year 1 and 2 students performed 'Snowy Friends' in front of their friends and families. The winter show was full of brilliant songs and it told the story of Sammy the Snowman, a lonely snowman who was cheered up by a host of characters. Bravo Year 1s and 2s - it was spectacular!
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News image DSC_8851 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
EYFS Winter Show 2020
Coming to the end of the first Term, I find the Winter Show to be a glorious celebration of the learning and development that has happened since those nervous little ones said goodbye to their mummies and daddies on the first day of school.
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News image DSC_3587 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
BST's Got Talent
At the end of term one, the British School of Tashkent had the opportunity to hold it's very own 'We've Got Talent' show. The Talent show performers ranged from Year 3 up to Year 10. We were all very proud of our brave and talented students who chose, practiced and performed their acts on stage in front of a whole school audience and parents. We had a range of performances from comedians and musicians to dancers, singers, and gymnasts. We were happy to see the incredible talents of our wonderful students at BST. Well done, everyone!
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No.1 in the World for Physics - The British School of Tashkent
The British School of Tashkent (BST) is proud of the outstanding achievements of our students. We participated in the International STEMCO Olympiad from 4-6 December 2020 and won an amazing 42 awards.
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Antarctica Day
This month we celebrated Antarctica Day. A continent filled with rare beauty and mystery. A continent in danger.
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News image bestchocolatecakerecipe Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Probably the Best Chocolate Cake Ever
This month Mrs. Tatyana, our Educational Psychologist has generously shared her secret recipe for chocolate cake.
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Winter Jumper Day!
On 11th December, our staff and students participated in Winter Jumper Day.
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BST Rebates
At The British School of Tashkent we believe that our current families are our finest advocates and we want to reward you for promoting our school to your families and friends.
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