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2019-20 IGCSE Results
On Tuesday 11th August our IGCSE results for Cambridge examinations arrived and once again we are so proud of our students’ achievements. A very well deserved ‘well done’ to all in Year 11!
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Student Experience from HMUN Dubai Online Conference
Being part of HMUN Dubai’s first conference was definitely a new and inspiring experience. We have gotten a taste of MUN in a completely different format whilst being in the biggest committees BST has ever participated in, ranging from 50 to 100 delegates in one zoom conference!
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The Power of Play
As an Early Years teacher, I am often asked by parents at the end of the school year, what can they do to support their child over the summer holidays, what app? or workbooks should they buy? or how can they make sure their child is ready for the next school year. The answer I give may sound very simple, but is all too often overlooked - just let them play!
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Teacher’s Reflections
We have all now been at home since the 16th March in this most unique of times. As humans, we are generally sociable and like the company of others and so this period of self-isolation and lockdown for the past 11 weeks has caused many of us to do things differently in our lives.
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New Principal Announced for the British School of Tashkent
We are delighted to announce that Dr André Nel will be the next Principal at The British School of Tashkent (BST). He will be joining us at the start of the new academic year in August 2020.
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How to: get creative at home!
Developing new skills and hobbies is a wonderful way to further support your child’s learning. Stuck for ideas? Read our blog with top tips from our teachers and ideas from some of our colleagues for creative outlets that children of all ages can enjoy at home.
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How to attract your child to read at home.
Reading is an essential part in education. It helps to expand vocabulary, increases attention, and develops analytical thinking.
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Drawing Reflections of a City in the water
Today we have drawn “The reflection of the city in the water”. The students learnt how to draw the different photographs, pictures and answered the questions: Look at the pictures and say how does the water reflect the city? What can you say about the sky in each picture? What kind of materials has the artist used: paint, crayons or coloured pencils? After that, we tried to challenge ourselves by depicting smooth transitions between colours in the reflections between water and sky.
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Year 1 Learning about Time
Over the two weeks, Year 1 children have been learning about time. The students made paper clocks, that helped them tell the time to the hour and the half-hour. They explored different units of time such as seconds, minutes and hours. Despite the physical school closure, the children continue to stay active and engaged.
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Year 3A Practicing their Reading Skills
Year 3A continue to practice their reading skills in guided reading groups. Today we were reading Dick Whittington a Tradition Tale from the UK.
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EYFS Learning about Pirates
EYFS have had an amazing two weeks learning all about Pirates. We read stories, sang songs, made pirate hats, eye patches and hooks. We went on treasure hunts and completed pirate maths tasks. Watch out we might make you walk the plank!!!
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Drawing a silhouette
Have you ever drawn a picture of a friend or family member in profile? If so, you have made a silhouette. During our ART lesson this week we have concentrated on the new theme, "silhouettes from under the sea". The students have given definitions to the words: silhouette, foreground, background, diagonal line, outline, etc. and answered the questions about silhouette pictures before starting to draw their own.
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Year 6 Learning Present Perfect
During our English lesson today, we were talking about the Present Perfect Tense. The students have read the story, given definitions to different words and answered the questions in the Present Perfect Tense. They have found the words in the wordsearch and have done different tasks.
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Drawing using Pointillism technique
Today we will draw using the Pointillism technique. Pointillism is a painting technique developed by the artist, George Seurat. It involves using small, painted dots to create areas of color that together form a pattern or picture. It's a fun technique for children to try, especially because it's easy to do, and requires just a few simple materials. Have fun Y6.
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English as an Additional Language
At the British School of Tashkent we understand the importance of maximizing your child’s ability to access the British National Curriculum even if they speak a language other than English
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