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Anti-Bullying Week – Zero Tolerance
This term across Primary, all children took part in our Anti-Bullying Week campaign to help create a safer learning environment, where everyone can feel secure and welcome.
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Coming Soon! The BST Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA)
The long awaited BST PTFA is underway and will improve relationships and collaboration between parents, teachers and wider friends of BST so that students can have a better learning experience.
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World Food Day
The 16th October was designated as World Food Day around the globe, and in the spirit of the Nord Anglia Education's 'Share A Dream' initiative, we decided to celebrate the day, and the start of Autumn by thinking about the community around us and developing the concept of social responsibility within our students.
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Facilities Update
We recently launched our state-of-the-art STEAM Centre, the new Tolkien Library and our refreshed Creative and Performing Arts wing.
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Pumpkin Pie Reciepe
Learn how to make a Pumpkin Pie by Ms. Stacy Carney’s recipe.
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Arseniy Ulanov, Facilities and Health and Safety Manager
Before staring my current role, I previously worked at BST in both IT and HR departments. I have always love working in a school; where I enjoy spending time in a vibrant environment and can see the way children develop and grow to be independent over the years.
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BST Celebrates Science!
On the 10th November every year millions of us celebrate World Science Day.
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Primary Canteen Art Competition
The Primary Canteen Art Competition was BST’s first official House event of the year. The aim was to create unique and creative works of art, to display in our canteens on both the Kalandar and Sayram campuses. The theme of this fun competition was Fruits and Vegetables. Whilst we wanted the children to have fun and get creative, we also wanted to teach them about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
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STEAM Centre Launch
On Friday 30th October, the British School of Tashkent (BST) launched their state-of-the-art STEAM Centre (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) with a gala event. Delegates included ambassadors, businessmen, subject experts, socialites and bloggers who arrived with their children to experience STEAM.
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The learning journey: how your child continues to achieve their potential
Around the world, many of us are currently experiencing a time of uncertainty. The big changes which have occurred this year have affected the way almost all of us work, study and live. Throughout this period, delivering quality teaching and our full curriculum of education has remained our top commitment. Whether in the classroom or learning with us through our virtual school - each individual student, their unique learning journey and their academic goals are at the heart of what we do.
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Hero Story: Mr. Boris
Since childhood, I was a sickly and weak child but also cheerful. That is why I often got bullied by my peers. On the advice of doctors and teachers, I was sent to train in gymnastic and later wrestling. My first coach showed me that anyone can become strong but being kind is more important.
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Extra-Curricular Clubs and Activities
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new extra-curricular clubs and activities for both primary and secondary students on Kalandar campus starting 2nd November.
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Coffee Evening with the Director of Admissions and Marketing
Thank you to the parents who booked in and came to have coffee with Miss Shagufta at Sayram last Friday. It was interesting to hear about your experiences in your journey with BST through the years.
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What is Business Studies?
This is a subject that is only taught to students who are in years 10-13. It helps students to understand the world they will enter after their studies.
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NAE Share A Dream
We are pleased to inform you that this academic year our school has joined the Share a Dream project.
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Hero Story - Librarian
If you enjoy reading books, love talking to people, being a librarian is the perfect choice for you
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Extracurricular Clubs and Activities
At BST we appreciate the importance of a balance between academic and practical skills for well-rounded individuals.
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Meet the Principal
I am once again pleased to welcome you back to the 2020/2021 school year! I would like to extend a special welcome to all of the new staff and families joining BST this year and welcome back all of our returning families as well! I am honoured to be your principal.
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Congratulations to the GCSE class of 2020!
After a difficult year, we are delighted to share in the success of Year 11 students in their IGCSE results.
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