Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
15 March, 2021

Discovering a passion for medicine

Discovering a passion for medicine - discovering-a-passion-for-medicine
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Despite all the challenges, becoming a doctor is my dream, so I never gave up.
Discovering a passion for medicine Studying on the IB Diploma Programme helped Daniel Hawkins discover a passion for medicine. Daniel graduated from the school in 2020. In 2021 he will be embarking on his first steps towards becoming a doctor, after securing offers from two Medical Schools in the UK. SEV_8943

Studying on the IB Diploma Programme helped Daniel Hawkins discover a passion for medicine. Daniel graduated from the school in 2020 (pictured above left). In 2021 he will be embarking on his first steps towards becoming a doctor, after securing offers from two Medical Schools in the UK.

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How did your time at school prepare you for the future?

Studying for the IB Diploma gave me exposure to a wide range of subjects, and my HL Biology and Chemistry courses allowed me to discover my passion for the scientific part of Medicine.

What are the successes you are most proud of at school?

I’m proud of achieving a final IB score of 42, and especially proud of getting a 7 in HL Chemistry as I started the course achieving much lower grades. Outside of studying, I’m really proud of winning the school’s “Most Improved Player” award in basketball.

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What challenges have you overcome?

With COVID, we all had to adapt to going online for everything from classes to university interviews, which took some getting used to. Additionally, the UCAT and BMAT Admissions Tests were very difficult exams that took a lot of preparation. Personally, my biggest challenge was re-finding the confidence in myself to reapply for Medicine, after being unsuccessful on my first attempt; it didn’t help that I was not able to take a gap year due to COVID. Despite all the challenges, becoming a doctor is my dream, so I never gave up.

How did being at BISS help you to reach the stage you are currently at?

I truly feel that I couldn’t have succeeded like this without being at BISS. I think that all my teachers did a great job with helping me succeed academically. Although none of my friends were Medicine applicants, they’ve all been really emotionally supportive. The Higher Education Department at the school was really helpful in scheduling clinical experience, interview preparation and organising the BMAT. I want to give a special thanks to Mr Weston for giving me continual support with my re-application, even though I’m no longer a BISS student. There are some lessons I learnt at BISS that will stick with me for a lifetime, no matter whether I’m a medical student, junior doctor or a senior consultant. I want to thank everyone who helped me get here.