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Nord Anglia
31 March, 2024

7 Questions with BISS Alumni - Vanessa & Suzanne

7 Questions with BISS Alumni - Vanessa & Suzanne - 7 Questions with BISS Alumni
Vanessa and Suzanne Marton graduated from BISS in 2012, and both went on to study Law at the London School of Economics & Political Science and University of Oxford, respectively. We've caught up with them to see how they're getting on as successful lawyers, and asked seven questions reflecting on what made BISS special to them.

Name: Vanessa Marton
Year Graduated from BISS: 2012
University: London School of Economics & Political Science
Subject: Law
Current job: Lawyer

1. How do you think the decision to join BISS Puxi changed your life?

My time at BISS Puxi really opened my eyes to how big the world is. I met people from so many different countries, with different cultures and experiences. I was surrounded by friends who were ambitious, keen to learn from one another and excited to explore the world. It’s an infectious mindset!

2. How did the BISS community inspire you to achieve your goals and guide you through your education?

I think most students who come to BISS have moved away from the country that, until then, they called home. It can be daunting. However, the BISS community is incredibly supportive. The teachers take the time to guide students not only through their education but through the most formative years of their lives.

7 Questions with BISS Alumni - Vanessa & Suzanne - 7 Questions with BISS Alumni

3. Which extracurricular experiences at BISS do you think helped shape you as a person?

I have very fond memories of dance rehearsals, violin practice, netball tournaments and school plays. I also participated in a number of hiking and camping trips which were organised by the school as part of the International Award. There was so much on offer at BISS. These experiences helped me explore China and taught me important life skills.

4. On reflection, what did the IB Diploma at BISS do to set you up for success at university?

The IB Diploma is challenging because of its holistic nature. This meant that when I got to university, I was prepared for anything. I could consume knowledge quickly and enjoyed doing so. It gave me time to pursue other interests at the same time as my studies.

7 Questions with BISS Alumni - Vanessa & Suzanne - 7 Questions with BISS Alumni

5. For current IB students, what advice would you give to them as they look towards applying for university and figuring out future career?

Talk to your teachers! The class sizes at BISS are small, and your teachers know you well. They can help guide you towards the best option for you personally.

6. For families considering BISS for their child, what would you say to them?

If I could do it all again, I would choose BISS without hesitation. I could not recommend it more!

7. Looking to the future, where would you like your career path to take you?

Since graduating from university, I have lived and worked in the UK, Belgium and Singapore. I am very happy where I am today, but living in Shanghai and studying at BISS taught me to be open to new and exciting experiences, and I’m always on the lookout for further opportunities to travel.

7 Questions with BISS Alumni - Vanessa & Suzanne - 7 Questions with BISS Alumni

Name: Suzanne Marton Ruscitto
Year Graduated from BISS: 2012
University: University of Oxford
Subject: Law
Current job: Lawyer

1. How do you think the decision to join BISS Puxi changed your life?

Joining BISS Puxi exposed me to an international, diverse and high-achieving environment that set me up well for the future. I met people from all over the world who introduced me to many new languages and cultures. I learnt not only about China but the rest of Asia and beyond.

2. How did the BISS community inspire you to achieve your goals and guide you through your education?

My classmates were driven and ambitious, and my teachers, supportive and encouraging. I was inspired by them to work hard and aim high.

For a long time, I was unsure about what I wanted to study at university, and my teachers took the time to discuss my options with me and guide me to the most suitable path.

7 Questions with BISS Alumni - Vanessa & Suzanne - 7 Questions with BISS Alumni

3. Which extracurricular experiences at BISS do you think helped shape you as a person?

There were so many extracurricular activities available at BISS that I was always busy after school with something. I enjoyed them all, from netball and yoga, to orchestra and school plays. As well as being a lot of fun, these activities helped build my confidence and meant I left BISS with a holistic skillset.

4. On reflection, what did the IB Diploma at BISS do to set you up for success at university?

The IB Diploma challenges students to study a wide range of subjects. It tests a range of skills, not only through the six core subjects but also through the extended essay and theory of knowledge components. Completing the diploma gave me the confidence to thrive in a challenging university environment.

5. For current IB students, what advice would you give to them as they look towards applying for university and figuring out future career?

Some of you will have a very clear idea of what you want to study at university and even what career you want to pursue afterwards. Good for you! However, many of you will be unsure about what to choose. It’s difficult to predict now what you will enjoy in the future. If you’re unsure about what degree to choose at university, I would suggest you think about where your strengths lie and what you enjoy (are you analytically minded, do you enjoy writing, are you creative etc.) and choose a degree that best suits those skills.

7 Questions with BISS Alumni - Vanessa & Suzanne - 7 Questions with BISS Alumni

6. For families considering BISS for their child, what would you say to them?

You won’t regret choosing BISS! It is an amazing school and lifelong community.

7. Looking to the future, where would you like your career path to take you?

The branch of law that I practice is very international. I hope to continue to travel and work with people around the world.

7 Questions with BISS Alumni - Vanessa & Suzanne - 7 Questions with BISS Alumni