Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
17 September, 2020

Celebrating ‘Prinsjesdag 2020’ at Shanghai Dutch School

Celebrating ‘Prinsjesdag 2020’ at Shanghai Dutch School - celebrating-prinsjesdag-2020-at-shanghai-dutch-school
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Mr van Wijngaarden traditionally answers questions from students regarding ‘Prinsjesdag’ and this year he did so through a special video message.
Celebrating ‘Prinsjesdag 2020’ at Shanghai Dutch School Every year, on the third Tuesday of September, the Dutch government announces their plans for the upcoming year. To celebrate this special event called ‘Prinsjesdag’, consul-general Mr van Wijngaarden traditionally visits Shanghai Dutch School. This year we had the honor of receiving a personalized video message.

Every year, on the third Tuesday of September, the Dutch government announces their plans for the upcoming year. To celebrate this special event called ‘Prinsjesdag’, consul-general Mr van Wijngaarden traditionally visits Shanghai Dutch School. This year we had the honor of receiving a personalized video message.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we had to think out of the box to celebrate this special event together, but from a distance. Mr van Wijngaarden traditionally answers questions from students regarding ‘Prinsjesdag’ and this year he did so through a special video message. We talked about the very first Prinsjesdag back in 1814 and how to become the Dutch consul-general – for those students aspiring a career in politics.

In addition to the video message, Year 6 and 7 also wrote and presented their own 'State of the Unionspeech, articulating their plans for the Netherlands and Belgium in the year to come. And as the tradition dictates, all students received a special orange treat from Mr van Wijngaarden to celebrate this special day.

Of course we hope that we can welcome Mr van Wijngaarden back into BISS Puxi in person next year!