Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
07 June, 2022

Creativity Activity Service

Creativity Activity Service - Creativity Activity Service


CAS is a compulsory component of the IB Diploma programme. The purpose of CAS is to develop the student as a whole and allow them to grow and learn beyond the classroom, providing a refreshing counterbalance to academic studies.

CAS aims to develop students who are:

  • reflective thinkers—they understand their own strengths and limitations, identify goals and devise strategies for personal growth
  • willing to accept new challenges and new roles
  • aware of themselves as members of communities with responsibilities towards each other and the environment
  • active participants in sustained, collaborative projects
  • balanced—they enjoy and find significance in a range of activities involving intellectual, physical, creative and emotional experiences.

At BISB CAS is a wonderful opportunity for YOU to engage with the wider world and learn through experience. CAS is a chance for you to develop your awareness of important local and global issues, and make a difference to those issues. CAS allows you to help others whilst learning a little about yourself; who you are, what strengths do you have, what values and attitudes shape your interaction with world.

What is CAS

Creativity, Activity, Service at BISB

  • Creativity is interpreted broadly to include a wide range of activities that involve creative thinking. Creativity provides students with the opportunity to explore their own sense of original thinking and expression.
  • Activity is focused on getting involved in physical exertion that contributes to a healthy lifestyle. The aim of Activity is to promote lifelong healthy habits related to physical well-being.
  • Service requires students to understand their capacity to make a meaningful contribution to their community and society. Through Service, students develop and apply personal and social skills in real-life situations involving decision-making, problem solving, initiative, responsibility, and accountability for their actions.

At BISB the CAS supervisor is responsible for assisting students in implementing and developing their personal CAS programs. A good CAS program should be both challenging and enjoyable, a personal journey of self-discovery. Students are expected to be involved in CAS activities each week during the two years of the Diploma program and are encouraged to reflect on their CAS activities on a regular basis through Managebac.

CAS residential

To kick start the IB Diploma Programme all IB1 students head off to Ruzomberok , Slovakia for a one-week residential with teachers from the IB team. We spend time doing valuable community service work in local schools and environmental service work in the national park. In addition, there are introductory sessions to the Diploma Programme,  CAS, TOK along with a number of team-building activities. It is a busy and challenging week, but a fantastic way for students to make new friends and get started with their Diploma and CAS experience.

What do our students say about the trip?

"However, as taxing as the week was it was also very rewarding, and I think you’ll be hard pressed to find a single person that would claim they did not enjoy it. We got to work with some local children, and learned how to step out of our comfort zones which was a bit of a challenge, but well worth it in the end. A lot of the activities focused on working with other children and I learned just how hard it is to stand in front of a class and attempt to clearly get your ideas across without rambling. As a year group, we had a chance to work on our teamwork, and the trip gave us a lot of valuable skills and a great start to the IBD programme."

Michaela S.

"CAS trip is an essential part of the IBDP. When I found out that we are going to go on a trip, I was really looking forward to it. I was a new student, so I hardly knew anyone. CAS trip was an opportunity to know people in year 12 better. The great adventure began on Monday, 8th of September. We helped teaching English at a local primary and secondary school. We translated some articles for a museum. We harvested guano and cleaned the surroundings of a castle. It sounds like hard work, and so was it. I think it was a really good opportunity to meet new people and to enforce the relationships with friends I have made."

Simon M.

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