Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
11 March, 2021

Eco Challenge: Spring Forest Cleaning

Eco Challenge: Spring Forest Cleaning - eco-challenge-spring-forest-cleaning
Eco Challenge: Spring Forest Cleaning The eco-committee invites our BISB families to participate in the first eco-challenge. Please see the poster for more details, join us in cleaning forests around Bratislava and share your picture in action with us.

The eco-committee invites our BISB families to participate in the first eco-challenge. Please see the poster for more details, join us in cleaning forests around Bratislava and share your picture in action with us.

Thank you for participating in the spring forest cleaning between 15th and 31st March 2021. We hope that thanks to our students and parents, the forests around Bratislava will be a nicer place.

Please upload your picture with you in action on this link and add a short comment about your experience (if you like).