BIS Barracudas finish the season as champions with passion perseverance and outstanding swimming - BIS Barracudas finish the season as champions with passion perseverance and outstanding swimming
Louise Bishop
Director of Admissions & Marketing
24 May, 2024

BIS Barracudas finish the season as champions with passion, perseverance, and outstanding swimming

BIS Barracudas finish the season as champions with passion perseverance and outstanding swimming - BIS Barracudas finish the season as champions with passion perseverance and outstanding swimming

It’s been a phenomenal year for our BIS Barracudas swim team, and they ended it in style with first place champions in our own BIS Invitational 2024 in April and overall champions last weekend at the ISHCMC International Swim Invitational 2024.  The last major swim meet of the year for our entire Barracudas squad. 


BIS Barracudas finish the season as champions with passion perseverance and outstanding swimming - BIS Barracudas finish the season as champions with passion perseverance and outstanding swimming


This really is a testament to the countless hours our swimmers dedicate to training every week, the early mornings in the pool, the afternoons and evenings after a full day of lessons and all the extra training many of our swimmers put in over weekends. Perseverance is at the heart of our core values and our swimmers have shown this constantly throughout the year. 

The last year has taken our Barracudas squad to UNIS in Hanoi, Phuket in Thailand for our first ever FOBISIA Swimming Invitational, plus many large swim meets across HCMC.  Some of our Barracudas also take part in multiple sports and have juggled swim training with athletics, football and basketball taking part in the FOBISIA Games in Pattaya, Thailand. 


BIS Barracudas finish the season as champions with passion perseverance and outstanding swimming - BIS Barracudas finish the season as champions with passion perseverance and outstanding swimming


It goes without saying that it’s not just about winning, the medals or the podium places but trying to be better than you have ever been and supporting your team mates to achieve the same.  Gaining a Personal Best (PB) in an event is perhaps the most joyous moment many of our swimmers can have, or winning their heat even if it doesn’t result in an overall medal.  But of course, it doesn’t always go to plan on the day, and this is where our swimmers show true sportsmanship and respect for their competitors, fight back the tears, care for their teammates and ultimately show courage and determination coming back stronger for the next race or meet in the future!   

We congratulate each and every one of you for what you have achieved throughout the year. 


BIS Barracudas finish the season as champions with passion perseverance and outstanding swimming - BIS Barracudas finish the season as champions with passion perseverance and outstanding swimming

Ms Sophie Roberts, Head of Aquatics could not be prouder “The swimmers have really blown me away again this year. I am in constant awe of the dedication and hard work these swimmers put into this sport, not only in school but the hours they train outside of school as well. They really deserve all of the success we have had this year. A huge thank you to our amazing coaches, for always pushing the swimmers to improve and better themselves. As always, we couldn't do it without the support and dedication of parents too, so thank you for your continued support of the BIS Barracudas. I am so excited to see what level we can take our swimmers to next year”. 

 A special thank you also goes to our secondary and primary swim captains this year who have given our BIS Barracudas that little bit of extra support and coaching throughout the year and have been fantastic role models for their teams: 


Ben - Year 10 
Ingrid - Year 10 


Nicole – Year 6 
Kimberly – Year 6 

We hear from Ben in Year 10, "Being a captain of the BIS Barracudas this year has been an incredible experience. I've had the opportunity to support and be a role model for the younger students, and it's been amazing to see everyone perform so well at the swim meets. The swimmers and coaches have been fantastic, and I've loved every moment as their captain. Most importantly, we all put in our best effort this year, and our hard work in training paid off at the swim meets. I'm proud to have been the captain of this team. Finally, I must say a big thank you to Ms. Roberts and the coaches for their outstanding support." 

BIS Barracudas finish the season as champions with passion perseverance and outstanding swimming - BIS Barracudas finish the season as champions with passion perseverance and outstanding swimming

Now let’s take a closer look at these last two major swim meets. 

BIS Invitational 2024 

On the 13th and 14th April, we hosted our biggest swimming invitational to date. 400 swimmers from 9 different schools across HCMC and Hanoi attended the meet.  BIS had an outstanding 125 swimmers participate and the weekend was full of fast racing, new PBs and an electric atmosphere. It was great to see such a high level of competition from all schools.  BIS finished first overall, and also came away with the most effective team.  

This year we upped our technology and live streamed the event which allowed parents, friends and family, from swimmers of all schools, to watch online whether in Vietnam or from around the world. This event would not have been possible without our committed Barracudas parents who gave up their time to time keep, marshal swimmers, give out heat winner ribbons and organise medals.  Working alongside our coaches and teacher volunteers, this teamwork and community spirit at BIS HCMC is what makes events like this so special to host. 

ISHCMC International Swim Invitational 2024


Last weekend on the 18th and 19th May our BIS Barracudas raced their hearts out at the largest and most competitive meet in Vietnam this year.  With 750 swimmers from 15 teams across Asia including Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia and Korea it was certainly a fun and exciting weekend of exhilarating races and true passion. We had 128 swimmers from as young as Year 1 all the way up to Year 12 and with lots of cheer and support from our Barracudas parents.  Definitely a highlight of the swimming calendar! 

We were absolutely thrilled to come away as overall 1st place champions, a fantastic ending to a phenomenal year of swimming for our BIS Barracudas. 


Medal Breakdown

Whilst it’s not just about the medals, we can’t deny our swimmers love a good medal or two, or three, or four… and love taking the centre stage on the podium…. So, we can’t not include the incredible number of medals and podium places our Barracudas received over these last two swim meets!   


  BIS Invitational 2024  ISHCMC Invitational 2024
 Overall Winners 1st place overall Champions  1st place overall Champions 
 Total medals  225 160 
Gold Medals  114   68
Silver Medals 63 50
Bronze Medals  48 42 
Total age group podium finishes  17
1st Place 6 4
2nd Place 6 1
3rd Place 5 3


And for those not on the podium, they love to see their teammates and fellow competitors taking their spot and congratulating them on their victory.  Our swimmers demonstrated exceptional sportsmanship throughout every swim meet and for this we could not be prouder. 

However, it’s not over yet for some of our Primary swimmers.  This coming weekend we have our Primary Aquathlon where many of our swimmers will be taking part, not only swimming, but running too. At the end of the month, we have the Primary SISAC Swimming Championships hosted by AIS and ISHCMC, and our U11 FOBISIA Games team head to Thailand with some of our Barracudas swimmers to take part in the final FOBISIA games of the year. 

We wish you all good luck for these final races!