BIS HCMC community clean up Thao Dien - BIS HCMC community clean up Thao Dien
20 September, 2023

BIS HCMC community clean up Thao Dien

BIS HCMC community clean up Thao Dien - BIS HCMC community clean up Thao Dien
We are thrilled to share the remarkable success of our recent World Clean Up Day event, CleanUpD2, which took place in the vibrant Thao Dien neighbourhood on Saturday, September 16th. The day was filled with tremendous energy, enthusiasm, and a shared commitment to making our local area cleaner and more beautiful than ever before.
Over 200 students, staff, and families turned out to be part of this fantastic initiative. The incredible turnout was a testament to our community's dedication to sustainability and environmental responsibility. It was truly heartwarming to witness so many eager participants ready to roll up their sleeves and make a positive impact on our environment.

BIS HCMC community clean up Thao Dien - BIS HCMC community clean up Thao Dien


As we embarked on our mission to clean up Thao Dien, the streets were abuzz with excitement. Our volunteers, armed with gloves, trash bags, and a can-do attitude, fanned out across the neighbourhood to collect litter and make a visible difference. The spirit of camaraderie was palpable, as people from all walks of life came together for a common cause.

What was especially heartening was the overwhelming support we received from people on the streets as they saw our efforts. Passersby joined in, offering encouragement and even lending a hand. It's moments like these that remind us of the power of community and the collective impact we can have when we unite for a shared goal.


BIS HCMC community clean up Thao Dien - BIS HCMC community clean up Thao Dien


Behind the scenes, a dedicated team of students played a pivotal role in driving the event forward. Their hard work, enthusiasm, and organisational skills were instrumental in making CleanUpD2 such a success. We are immensely proud of their leadership and commitment to creating positive change in our community. In addition to the cleanup activities, the event also featured educational sessions and discussions on the importance of environmental stewardship. These sessions provided valuable insights and inspired participants to think more consciously about the environment and their individual roles in preserving it.


BIS HCMC community clean up Thao Dien - BIS HCMC community clean up Thao Dien


The success of CleanUpD2 is a testament to the strength and unity of our BISHCMC community. We are grateful to each and every one of you who participated, supported, and cheered us on from the sidelines. We firmly believe that our collective efforts on World Clean Up Day are not limited to a single event but are part of an ongoing commitment to a cleaner, greener future. Let's continue to work together, raise awareness, and inspire change in our local and global communities.

BIS HCMC community clean up Thao Dien - BIS HCMC community clean up Thao Dien


Thank you once again for your unwavering support and dedication to making a difference. Together, we can make the world a cleaner and more beautiful place for generations to come.

Yours in sustainability,

The Community Team EYI, Juniors and Secondary