What Our Parents Say | Green Family | BIS HCMC - green family
24 June, 2021

Green Family

What Our Parents Say | Green Family | BIS HCMC - green family
The Green Family relocated from Hong Kong to Ho Chi Minh City in 2016. After 3 years in Vietnam, they have recently moved on to pastures new in the United Kingdom. Here we speak to mum Nicky about her family’s experience at the British International School Ho Chi Minh City.

Tell us about your family's move to Vietnam…

We moved from Hong Kong to Vietnam in April 2016 for my husband’s job. Our daughter Emma started at the British International School HCMC at the end of Year 3. We chose BIS due to the fact it was the British Curriculum we were familiar with.

How did you find the settling in process when you first arrived in Vietnam?

BIS were fabulous when we arrived and throughout the duration of our stay, we were very much included in the BIS family with an open door feel and all staff were very approachable, including the Heads of Campuses.  Every school year they hold a very informative Orientation Morning in August and January for new parents. As a new parent arriving in Vietnam with so many other things to think of when moving country the Orientation Morning was so useful, you listen to lots of information which helps you settle into school life very quickly, meet lots of staff and gives an opportunity to ask any questions.  This is then followed by a Welcome Back Coffee Morning, Social Evening for parents and the Family Fun Evening to welcome new families - this was much appreciated by us. 

We had no concerns moving international schools towards the end of Year 3, I was quite sure Emma would settle easily at BIS – and she did. When she started she was buddied up with a friend – they quickly became best friends.  

In fact, she had only been at BIS for a very short time when the opportunity arose to trial for the FOBISIA Football Competition in Phuket.  She trialled and made it into the team and off she flew to Thailand to compete.  I think this shows how settled and happy she was in a very short space of time.  


Being away from home isn't always easy but at BIS you are guaranteed that family feel.


How did Emma develop over her time at BIS HCMC?

In our three very happy years at BIS, Emma had so many opportunities to take part in co-curricular activities, all of which she thoroughly enjoyed and got lots of experience from. The school offers an amazing selection of after school activities, there really is something for everyone. 

She's gained so much confidence from speaking, acting, singing and dancing in the school productions. Competing within HCMC and also abroad at various sporting events has also been an incredible experience for her. She’s learnt not just about winning but learning to lose gracefully – it’s certainly developed her character and helped prepare her for life.

The school offers an amazing selection of after school activities, there really is something for everyone.

How would you describe the sense of community at BIS HCMC?

I joined the Parent Teacher Group (PTG) and was an active member for 2 years. This was great for me as I was also able to gain lots of new experiences, learn new skills, get even more involved with the school and make some wonderful friends from all over the world.  There is a lot going on, not just for the children but parents too, I particularly enjoyed the informal parent lunches that were held each term. 

Being away from home isn't always easy but at BIS you are guaranteed that family feel.

How did you feel when it was time to return to the UK?

After 3 years at BIS, we were very sad to leave but we will always look back at our time at BIS HCMC with great fondness.  

When I think of BIS, I think what a wonderful, welcoming, happy school it is. 

BIS Ho Chi Minh City is just very special.

The Green Family