APP F2 Visit The LadyBug Farm | BIS HCMC - app-f2-visit-the-ladybug-farm
24 March, 2017

APP F2 Visit The LadyBug Farm

APP F2 Visit The LadyBug Farm | BIS HCMC - app-f2-visit-the-ladybug-farm
APP F2 Visit The LadyBug Farm

F2 children had a wonderful time at Ladybug Farm this week.

APP F2 Visit The LadyBug Farm F2 children had a wonderful time at Ladybug Farm this week.

F2 children had a wonderful time at Ladybug Farm this week.

All the children enjoyed the short bus trip and sang all the way there. When the children arrived they were able to pass around different vegetables that had been grown in the greenhouses there.

They learnt about what a plant needs to grow and they were able to answer some questions about plants. The children then had the opportunity to go and plant some seeds using coconut compost. They then transplanted some seeds that had been growing for 7 days and were now baby shoots.

After they had water the plants they were able to see some chickens, frogs, caterpillars and crickets. We are excited to go and visit Ladybug farm again next term on their new site and see how much our plants have grown.

Sarah Curran, Assistant Head Teacher

TGG 3_Good Health and Wellbeing TGG 11_Sustainable Cities and Communities TGG 15_Life On Land