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News image Primary Weekly Update - 28th October 2022 - Primary Weekly Update - 28th October 2022 News | Weekly Updates | primary | Junior Campus | Early Years and Infants
Primary Weekly Update - 28th October 2022

The weekly update from Dee Grimshaw and Ian Battersby, Headteachers of the Junior and Early Years & Infant Campuses, highlighting some of the events that have taken place this week.

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News image Image_BISHCMC_Ho Chi Minh City_2022_058 Blog | Learning (JC) | Learning (EY&IC) | primary
The IPC at BIS - Capturing Curiosity and Celebrating Learning
When you reflect on your own childhood and school experiences, what memories come to mind? Memories of fondness, pride or celebration? Or do you cast your mind back to moments of dread and embarrassment? Hopefully, it’s the former over the latter but whatever your personal experience back then, you understand the significance of positive school experiences for your learners now. 
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News image News Default Image Blog | primary
Primary Weekly Update 24/06/2022
We have reached the final day of this strange academic year and we could not be more proud of our entire BIS community for the way everyone has come through this last year.
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News image Primary Weekly Update 17/06/2022 - primary-weekly-update-17-06-2022 Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary Weekly Update 17/06/2022
International Week is a highlight of the school year, there has been so much happening all week to help strengthen the BIS community.
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News image Primary Weekly Update 06/05/2022 - primary-weekly-update-06-05-2022 Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary Weekly Update 06/05/2022
A short but busy week with classes active and engaged across the school! As our Year 11 and 13 students embark on their IGCSE and IB exams, the learning continues across primary in the journey of education for all our students.
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News image News Default Image Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary Weekly Update 29/04/2022
Despite the rainy end to the week, it has been a glorious week of events here at the EY&I and Junior Campuses with children performing, exploring, investigating and much more across all ages and stages.
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News image Primary Weekly Update 22/04/2022 - primary-weekly-update-22-04-2022 Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary Weekly Update 22/04/2022
The first week of Term 3 has been busy! We’ve been delighted to welcome new students to both campuses and indeed some students that have returned to BIS after time away.
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News image Primary Weekly Update 01/04/2022 - primary-weekly-update-01-04-2022 Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary Weekly Update 01/04/2022
As Term 2 draws to a close, we can look back with a great deal of pride in what our school community has achieved.
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News image Primary Weekly Update 25/03/2022 - primary-weekly-update-25-03-2022 Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary Weekly Update 25/03/2022
After two long years of the pandemic, there are signs that we are returning to a state where we can re-engage with the activities that we previously took for granted; international travel, going to work or school if you are healthy (not having to isolate because you are a close contact of someone who is not well), celebrating family events together, etc. We are hopeful that school events will also be able to resume.
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News image Primary Weekly Update 18/03/2022 - primary-weekly-update-18-03-2022 Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary Weekly Update 18/03/2022
One of the many positives of being back on site for Face to Face Learning is the opportunity for students to collaborate and work together as part of their learning.
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News image Primary Weekly Update 11/03/2022 - primary-weekly-update-11-03-2022 Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary Weekly Update 11/03/2022
We talk about ‘community’ a lot at BIS, so it is very pleasing to see that according to the results of the latest Parent Satisfaction Survey, 93% of parents feel accepted into a warm and welcoming community.
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News image Primary Weekly Update 04/03/2022 - primary-weekly-update-04-03-2022 Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary Weekly Update 04/03/2022
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” - Dr. Seuss
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News image Primary Weekly Update 25/02/2022 - primary-weekly-update-25-02-2022 Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary Weekly Update 25/02/2022
Has it just been a couple of weeks since we have been back? Read our Primary weekly update here.
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News image Primary Weekly Update 18/02/2022 - primary-weekly-update-18-02-2022 Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary Weekly Update 18/02/2022
It has been a week of high excitement and joy across both primary campuses as we were finally able to welcome students back on site!
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News image News Default Image Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary Weekly Update 26/01/2022
As we approach the Tet Holiday, we would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our families a safe and peaceful holiday. Mr Anthony’s video message yesterday reflected on the past two years, but more importantly stressed moving forward and all of the staff at the Early Years and Infant and Junior Campuses are very excited at the thought of welcoming all of our amazing families back to campus on Monday 14th February.
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News image News Default Image Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary: Weekly Update 07/01/2022
Happy New Year to all of our BIS Community. Welcome back to all of our BIS families and a particularly warm welcome to all of our new families joining us this term. Although we are disappointed not to be able to welcome you all in person to campus, we look forward to seeing all of you very soon.
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News image News Default Image Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary: Weekly Update 19/11/2021
This week’s weekly update is a joint Early Years and Infant and Junior Campus update from Mr Ian Battersby and Ms Dee Grimshaw, Headteachers of the Early Years and Infant Campus and Junior Campus respectively. It highlights some of the events that have taken place this week.
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News image Behind the Scenes: A day in the life of an early years teacher - behind-the-scenes-a-day-in-the-life-of-an-early-years-teacher Blog | Early Years and Infant Campus | Educational Insights | Featured on Home page | primary | Student Learning
Behind the Scenes: A day in the life of an early years teacher
At BIS HCMC, our Virtual School Experience (VSE) provision draws upon the expertise, resourcefulness and creativity of our teaching heroes to deliver an engaging online learning experience across the Early Years and Foundation Stage (EYFS). Take a look behind the scenes and explore a day in the life of one of our teachers.
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News image News Default Image Blog | primary | Early Years and Infant Campus | Junior Campus
Primary: Weekly Update 24/09/2021
This week we present a joint Weekly Update from both campuses, an opportunity for you to see what is happening across primary and what children of all ages have been up to over the last few weeks.
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