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News image The journey from BIS HCMC to Havard University Michelles story - The journey from BIS HCMC to Harvard University Michelles story Blog | Success Stories | Learning (SC) | Student Leadership
The journey from BIS HCMC to Harvard University: Michelle's story
Meet Michelle - a BIS HCMC Year 13 student who transformed an unexpected pandemic move into a journey of leadership and academic success. We sat down with her to unlock the secrets to her success and how she secured a spot at Harvard, alongside 8 other US universities. 
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News image 6 tips for parents to support their children through their exams - 6 tips to support your child through their exams Blog | Educational Insights | Health and Wellbeing | Learning (SC)
6 tips for parents to support their children through their exams
As our Year 13s and Year 11s begin their study leave and start to prepare for their International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) exams, we are sure some of our parents might wonder what they can do to help their child through this challenging time, to support their wellbeing and overall success. Luckily our Advice, Support and Counselling (ASC) team has shared 6 top tips for parents to help their child persevere during exam season.
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News image Being aware and being human: sharing stories - Being aware being human sharing stories Blog | Events (SC) | Learning (SC)
Being aware and being human: sharing stories
BIS-Aware season on the Secondary campus was an opportunity to explore the breadth and depth of who ‘We Are’ as individuals and communities, it provided a platform to explore the Protected Characteristics, the hidden and lesser known stories that celebrate our strength and diversity. The purpose of this inaugural event was to promote Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) to nurture a supportive community that encourages a sense of social responsibility and inclusion. This brings together both worldwide movements such as Black History Month and Women's History Month but also our own ‘in-house’ awareness event from the Identity Alliance group. This year our theme was ‘Sharing Stories’.
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News image BIS HCMC empowerment club lead women’s history month activities for BISaware week - BIS HCMC empowerment club lead womens history month activities for BISaware week Blog | Events (SC) | Learning (SC) | Student Leadership
BIS HCMC empowerment club lead women’s history month activities for BISaware week
Our Empowerment Club, with students from Year 7 to Year 12, carefully planned a series of activities for their peers for Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day on Friday 8th March. We visited the club to chat with their leaders Anvvita, Axelle and Tu Anh. 
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News image BIS HCMC robotics team build and programme two robots to compete at their first VEX Tournament - BIS HCMC robotics team build and programme two robots to compete at their first VEX Tournament News | STEAM | Co-Curricular Activities | Learning (SC) | Secondary Campus
BIS HCMC robotics team build and programme two robots to compete at their first VEX Tournament
On Saturday 11th November, our secondary robotics team and their two robots, BIS A and BIS B headed to SSIS in District 7, for their first ever VEX robotics tournament. Despite only having 1 robot built the week before and not having much time to practice, the team had a tremendously successful run battling against other schools, making it to the quarter and semi-finals! 
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News image Opening up the difficult conversation about drugs with your children - Opening up the difficult conversation about drugs with your children News | Health and Wellbeing | Learning (SC) | Student Learning
Opening up the difficult conversation about drugs with your children: How to develop early foundations of trust to engage, educate and empower your child to make the right choices in the future

At BIS HCMC we deliver in school a comprehensive wellbeing curriculum to provide our students with the tools, resources and support to balance their social, physical, emotional and mental health. As part of this, we also look at preventative measures to ensure the safety of our students beyond BIS and equip them with knowledge and skills for both today and their future success in the wider world. 

This term we were extremely fortunate to welcome back into school experts from the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the U.S. Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City’s Regional Security Office (RSO) to discuss more on the topic of drugs and substance abuse with some of our students and parents.

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News image What are the benefits of a 2-week timetable - What are the benefits of a 2-week timetable Blog | Educational Insights | Learning (SC) | Student Learning | Health and Wellbeing
What are the benefits of a 2-week timetable?
You may have heard towards the end of the last academic year that our Secondary students will be switching to a two-week timetable, either at our parent workshop led by Deputy Head of Curriculum and Learning, Mr Lee Falconer, in our weekly update or directly from your child. But what does this mean and why change? How will this benefit learning and the educational experience at BIS HCMC?
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News image Teaching literacy across disciplines - The importance of literacy across the curriculum Blog | Educational Insights | Learning (SC) | Student Learning | Continued Professional Development
The importance of literacy across the curriculum
Changes to our curriculum with the introduction of our 2 week timetable have allowed us to introduce an extra skills-based literacy lesson, called reciprocal reading. The small group sessions help students decode texts, delve into the deeper meaning and learn new vocabulary in a student-led setting. Literacy has been shown to have an affect on success across all subject matters and even affect GCSE results across subjects like maths, art and history. 
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News image IB Visual Arts Exhibition Inspires Our Local Community - IB Visual Arts Exhibition Inspires Our Local Community Blog | Learning (SC)
IB visual arts exhibition inspires our local community
Relive our phenomenal IB Visual Arts Exhibition at The World ArtSpace in District 2 showcasing the art pieces of our 7 higher-level IB Arts students. Over 70 pieces were displayed in a range of formats from oil on canvas to hanging installations, sculpture, photography, textiles and even a Tracey Emin-inspired pandemic pillow installation.
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News image Black History Month 2023 - Black History Month 2023 Blog | Events (SC) | Learning (SC)
Black History Month 2023
During the month of February, our secondary students celebrated Black History Month through a range of cross-curricular activities. Discover how they recognised and celebrated the achievements of black figures in history through Art, Music, Literature and Politics. 
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News image Book Review 2022 - Book Review 2022 Blog | Learning (SC)
Top Book Reviews of 2022
The winners of the book review competition of 2022 share their reviews. Congratulations to Jessica (13H), Tram Anh (12M), JuWon (7V) and Sofia (10C).

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News image Junior Saigon Mathematics Competition 2018 | British International School HCMC - junior-saigon-mathematics-competition-2018 Blog | Featured on Home page | Learning (SC) | Secondary Campus
Junior Saigon Mathematics Competition 2018
On Saturday 26th May, BIS HCMC took 3 teams to the Junior Saigon Mathematics Competition held at ISHCMC.
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News image Year 6 CREST Science Award 2018 | British International School, HCMC - year-6-crest-science-award-2018 Blog | Featured on Home page | Junior Campus | Learning (JC) | Learning (SC) | Secondary Campus
Year 6 CREST Science Award 2018
The Science team and students at BIS HCMC Secondary Campus are looking forward to welcoming the new Year 7 students in August 2018.  Our teachers  are constantly striving to ensure the Year 6 students from the Junior Campus have a smooth transition into Year 7. To this end, they have created a unique transition programme within Science.
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News image Dragons' Den Final 2018 | British International School, Ho Chi Minh City - dragons-den-final-2018 Blog | Events (SC) | Featured on Home page | Learning (SC) | Secondary Campus
Dragons' Den Final 2018
Join us on Monday 18th June at the BIS HCMC Secondary Campus as we hold the final of our 2018 Dragons' Den Competition.
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News image BIS HCMC 2nd Annual House Chemistry Competition - bis-2nd-annual-house-chemistry-competition Blog | Featured on Home page | Learning (SC) | Secondary Campus
BIS 2nd Annual House Chemistry Competition
On Thursday 17th May, Year 10 and 12 Chemistry students were set a challenge: to make the world’s most accurate chemical clock.
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News image FOBISIA Intermediate Music Festival Jakarta 2018 | BIS HCMC - fobisia-intermediate-music-festival-jakarta-2018 Blog | Featured on Home page | Learning (SC) | Secondary Campus | Trips (SC)
FOBISIA Intermediate Music Festival Jakarta 2018
On the morning of Thursday the 17th of May, Ms Husband, Mr Alexander and 10 of our Key Stage 3 musicians left school at 6.30am to make their way to the airport for their flight to Jakarta, Indonesia to attend the FOBISIA Music Intermediate Festival 2018. Ms Husband provides the highlights of the much-anticipated trip.
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News image IB Visual Arts Exhibition 2018 at Soma Art Cafe | BIS HCMC - ib-visual-arts-exhibition-2018-at-soma-art-cafe Blog | Events (SC) | Featured on Home page | International Baccaulaurete (IB) | Learning (SC) | Secondary Campus
IB Visual Arts Exhibition 2018 at Soma Art Cafe
Join us for an appreciation of the expressive and aesthetic diversity that surrounds us, portrayed through the creative eyes of our Class of 2018 IB Visual Arts students.
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News image NAE STEAM Week @ MIT 2018 | British International School Ho Chi Minh City - nae-steam-week-mit-2018 Blog | Featured on Home page | Junior Campus | Learning (JC) | Learning (SC) | Nord Anglia Education | Secondary Campus | Trips (JC) | Trips (SC) | Whole School
NAE STEAM Week @ MIT 2018
It was the week they had been waiting for! 4 students from BIS HCMC flew all the way to Boston to join 25 other Nord Anglia Education students for STEAM Week @ MIT - a unique, five-day long event packed with STEAM-related challenges, learning and adventure at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
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News image Saigon STEAM Fair 2018 | British International School Ho Chi Minh City - saigon-steam-fair-2018 Blog | Featured on Home page | Learning (SC) | Secondary Campus
Saigon STEAM Fair 2018
On Saturday 7th April, two teams of STEAM enthusiasts representing BIS HCMC attended the 2nd annual Saigon STEAM Fair held at the International School, Ho Chi Minh City.
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News image The significance of MIT’s “mind and hand” philosophy | BIS HCMC - the-significance-of-mits-mind-and-hand-philosophy Blog | Featured on Home page | Junior Campus | Learning (JC) | Learning (SC) | Nord Anglia Education | Secondary Campus | Whole School
The significance of MIT’s “mind and hand” philosophy
It’s one of the biggest events in NAE’s calendar - STEAM Week @ MIT kicked off this weekend on 29th April! An interesting fact unknown to many about MIT is its motto, “mind and hand”, or Mens et Manus in Latin. We would like to share a blog post by Mark Orrow-Whiting, Nord Anglia Education’s Director of Curriculum and Student Performance, on why he believes the “mind and hand” philosophy is integral to NAE’s STEAM curriculum, which has been enhanced in a collaboration with the university.
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