Principal's Weekly Update (10 November 2023) | British International School in Hanoi | BIS Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update
Richard Vaughan
17 November, 2023

Principal's Weekly Update (17 November 2023)

Principal's Weekly Update (10 November 2023) | British International School in Hanoi | BIS Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update
What an eventful few days we have had at BIS Hanoi!

Dear Parents,

What an eventful few days we have had at BIS Hanoi! There are so many onsite and offsite activities taking place, with more yet to come. Here are a few highlights of the week:

Thanks to all Year 11 parents who joined us on Monday to meet with teachers to review their child’s progress and achievements thus far this year. 

Crazy Sock Day | BIS Hanoi

Throughout the week, we have had a focus on anti-bullying, and to end the week, we had a wonderful Remembrance Assembly led by a team of secondary students with a visit from one of the British Embassy Defence Attachés in Vietnam.

Remembrance Assembly | BIS Hanoi

Year 3 classes took turns across the week to visit the National History Museum in Hanoi. Lots of great learning was had by all.

A group of Year 11 students also presented a Parent Connect workshop on how we can assist our students in achieving better academic balance and performance. Such an important question to consider for us all.

BIS Hanoi Open Day

BIS Hanoi welcomes a large group of prospective families to our Open Day event on Thursday morning. It was wonderful to see such keen interest in our school provision from families around the region. Our student leaders did a great job showcasing our great school.

Finally, we prepare for our joint CIS/WASC Re-Accreditation Team visit next week. We have seven educational professionals coming to partner with us in reviewing our yearlong self-study, which is part of the overall 5-year cycle of review.

CIS Cycle | BIS Hanoi

Quote from the CIS website: "CIS Accreditation is a rigorous school-wide evaluative process that measures alignment with internationally benchmarked standards and provides guidance for continuous improvement. Through their achievement of these standards, CIS-accredited schools have been verified as delivering high-quality international education focused on the development of knowledge, skills, and attributes necessary to prepare students as global citizens."

We will have a feedback summary from the CIS/WASC Visiting Team next Friday afternoon. An email invitation to interested parents and interested secondary students has already been shared.

Kind regards,

Richard Vaughan 
