15 November, 2023

BIS Hanoi Secondary Choir Honours UK Remembrance Service at Cua Bac Church

BIS Hanoi Secondary Choir Honours UK Remembrance Service at Cua Bac Church | British International School Hanoi - BIS Hanoi Secondary Choir Honours UK Remembrance Service at Cua Bac Church
The BIS Hanoi Secondary Choir, led by our dedicated music teacher, Mr. Scott, recently delivered a mesmerising performance at Cua Bac Church for the annual Remembrance Service in Hanoi.

The choir showcased their skills and talents by performing two beautiful songs: "Suo Gan," a Welsh tradition, and "Imber on the Downe."

Secondary Choir Remembrance Service | BIS Hanoi

"Suo Gan," a Welsh lullaby, was chosen by the choir to convey a sense of peace and tranquility. The hauntingly beautiful melody, combined with the harmonious voices of the choir, created a moment of reflection and remembrance. The audience was moved by the emotional depth of the performance and the choir's ability to capture the essence of the song. Following "Suo Gan," the choir continued their tribute with "Imber on the Downe." This powerful piece is a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by soldiers during times of conflict.

Under the guidance of Mr. Scott, the choir diligently rehearsed and prepared for this significant event. Their performances resonated with the attendees, evoking a sense of reverence and gratitude for the fallen heroes. 

Over the years, the BIS Hanoi choir's involvement in the UK Remembrance Service has become a cherished tradition. Since 2017, they have continuously contributed their musical talents to honour and remember the brave souls who have lost their lives in the wars and conflicts of the UK and Commonwealth. 

Secondary Choir Remembrance Service | BIS Hanoi

The BIS Hanoi Secondary Choir's participation in the UK Remembrance Service at Cua Bac Church serves as a testament to their passion for music and their deep respect for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Their performances continue to touch the hearts of all who attend, creating a sense of unity and gratitude within the community.